
Request 778080 accepted

- Update to version 3.5.1
* Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall
performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
* Minor changes have been made to the character set used in the
* Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the
* Monsters can now be spawned using the spawn CCMD when the
nomonsters CCMD has been entered in the console, or the
-nomonsters parameter has been specified on the command-line.
* The following changes have been made to the widescreen HUD:
+ The HUD has been brought in slightly from the edges of the
+ The player’s armor is now on the left side of the screen
next to their health, and the ammo for their currently
equipped weapon on the right.
* Item and teleport fogs are now spawned when using the spawn
* Thing triangles in the automap representing MBF-compatible
helper dogs are now the correct size again when using the
IDDT cheat.
* Minor improvements have been made to the menu’s background.
* The player’s view is now reset again when exiting the menu.
* A bug has been fixed whereby the use of LIQUID or NOLIQUID in
a MAPINFO lump would have no effect.
* The scrollbar in the console has been widened and now includes
a grip.

Request History
Martin Hauke's avatar

mnhauke created request

- Update to version 3.5.1
* Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall
performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
* Minor changes have been made to the character set used in the
* Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the
* Monsters can now be spawned using the spawn CCMD when the
nomonsters CCMD has been entered in the console, or the
-nomonsters parameter has been specified on the command-line.
* The following changes have been made to the widescreen HUD:
+ The HUD has been brought in slightly from the edges of the
+ The player’s armor is now on the left side of the screen
next to their health, and the ammo for their currently
equipped weapon on the right.
* Item and teleport fogs are now spawned when using the spawn
* Thing triangles in the automap representing MBF-compatible
helper dogs are now the correct size again when using the
IDDT cheat.
* Minor improvements have been made to the menu’s background.
* The player’s view is now reset again when exiting the menu.
* A bug has been fixed whereby the use of LIQUID or NOLIQUID in
a MAPINFO lump would have no effect.
* The scrollbar in the console has been widened and now includes
a grip.

Dirk Stoecker's avatar

dstoecker accepted request

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