
Request 780561 accepted

- CHANGES IN R 3.6.3:
* The included LAPACK has been updated to version 3.9.0 (for the
included routines, just bug fixes).
* Fixed a C level integer overflow in rhyper(); reported by
Benjamin Tyner in PR#17694.
* Uses of url(gzcon(.)) needing to extend buffer size have failed
(with HTTP/2 servers), reported by G'abor Cs'ardi.
* predict(loess(..), se=TRUE) now errors out (instead of
seg.faulting etc) for large sample sizes, thanks to a report and
patch by Benjamin Tyner in PR#17121.
* tools:assertCondition(., "error") and hence assertError() no
longer return errors twice (invisibly).
* update(form, new) in the case of a long new formula sometimes
wrongly eliminated the intercept from form, or (more rarely)
added a garbage term (or seg.faulted !); the fix happened by
simplifying the C-level logic of terms.formula(). Reported by
Mathias Amb"uhl in PR#16326.
* The error message from stopifnot(.., )
again contains the full "stopifnot(.......)" call: Its attempted
suppression did not work consistently.
* On Windows, download.file(., , "wininet", headers=character())
would fail; reported with patch proposal by Kevin Ushey in

Request History
Detlef Steuer's avatar

dsteuer created request

- CHANGES IN R 3.6.3:
* The included LAPACK has been updated to version 3.9.0 (for the
included routines, just bug fixes).
* Fixed a C level integer overflow in rhyper(); reported by
Benjamin Tyner in PR#17694.
* Uses of url(gzcon(.)) needing to extend buffer size have failed
(with HTTP/2 servers), reported by G'abor Cs'ardi.
* predict(loess(..), se=TRUE) now errors out (instead of
seg.faulting etc) for large sample sizes, thanks to a report and
patch by Benjamin Tyner in PR#17121.
* tools:assertCondition(., "error") and hence assertError() no
longer return errors twice (invisibly).
* update(form, new) in the case of a long new formula sometimes
wrongly eliminated the intercept from form, or (more rarely)
added a garbage term (or seg.faulted !); the fix happened by
simplifying the C-level logic of terms.formula(). Reported by
Mathias Amb"uhl in PR#16326.
* The error message from stopifnot(.., )
again contains the full "stopifnot(.......)" call: Its attempted
suppression did not work consistently.
* On Windows, download.file(., , "wininet", headers=character())
would fail; reported with patch proposal by Kevin Ushey in

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:55 got accepted.

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