Request 784712 accepted
- Update to versino 3.5.2
* Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall
performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
* DOOM Retro’s keyboard and mouse controls are now more
* Further improvements have been made to the console’s
autocomplete feature.
* Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the
* Item fogs spawned while using the spawn or respawnitems CCMDs
are now always positioned correctly.
* The following changes have been made to the r_blood CVAR:
+ The CVAR can now be set to nofuzz, causing all blood spilled
by spectres (as well as the player while they have a partial
invisibility power-up) to be red instead of fuzzy.
+ Puffs are now spawned rather than nothing when the CVAR is
+ All blood spilled will now be red when the CVAR is red, and
green when the CVAR is green.
* Flying monsters spawned using the spawn CCMD now spawn higher
off the ground.
* The player’s path around the current map will now always be
recorded even while the am_path CVAR is off.
* The following changes have been made to the mapstats CCMD:
+ The total number of things in the current map is now correct.
+ How much the current map is inside/outside is now displayed.
* The number of times the player has died in the current map is
now correct in the playerstats CCMD.
* The following changes have been made to the numbers displayed
in the widescreen HUD:
Request History
mnhauke created request
- Update to versino 3.5.2
* Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall
performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
* DOOM Retro’s keyboard and mouse controls are now more
* Further improvements have been made to the console’s
autocomplete feature.
* Minor changes have been made to text that is output to the
* Item fogs spawned while using the spawn or respawnitems CCMDs
are now always positioned correctly.
* The following changes have been made to the r_blood CVAR:
+ The CVAR can now be set to nofuzz, causing all blood spilled
by spectres (as well as the player while they have a partial
invisibility power-up) to be red instead of fuzzy.
+ Puffs are now spawned rather than nothing when the CVAR is
+ All blood spilled will now be red when the CVAR is red, and
green when the CVAR is green.
* Flying monsters spawned using the spawn CCMD now spawn higher
off the ground.
* The player’s path around the current map will now always be
recorded even while the am_path CVAR is off.
* The following changes have been made to the mapstats CCMD:
+ The total number of things in the current map is now correct.
+ How much the current map is inside/outside is now displayed.
* The number of times the player has died in the current map is
now correct in the playerstats CCMD.
* The following changes have been made to the numbers displayed
in the widescreen HUD:
Mailaender accepted request