Request 785635 superseded
New and updated package submission, needed by new version of PySolFC submitted to games repository.
1. Shebang fixed.
2. Fdupes call fixed.
3. BuildRequires and Requires fixed.
4. Only python3 is needed, if someone wants/needs python2 version it can be built if needed.
- Created by malcolmlewis
- In state superseded
- Package maintainer: malcolmlewis
- Supersedes 785373
- Superseded by 785678
The shebang in the python3 line requires ! after # and as such is borked.
The fdupes call is wrong, please see other python packages on how to use %python_expand.
The devel dependency is not needed as it does not compile anything.
Why do you skip python2 if the pkg supports it.
And last the runtime dependencies are not stated, see the setup.py and install_requires.
Request History
malcolmlewis created request
New and updated package submission, needed by new version of PySolFC submitted to games repository.
1. Shebang fixed.
2. Fdupes call fixed.
3. BuildRequires and Requires fixed.
4. Only python3 is needed, if someone wants/needs python2 version it can be built if needed.
The requirements, are still wrong, we use lua rewritter and you should just say Requires: python-bla > version as needed.
In the buildrequires the versions need to be actually within the curly brackets {}.
In the install phase do not change the exec bit on the sitelib stuff.
The requires on pbr are for sure wrong, as it is tool to build packages, nothing should need it on the runtime.
Package provides testsuite, that should be executed.