
Request 785833 accepted

- Update to 4.8.24
* Implement the file edit and view history
* sftpfs: support keyborad interactive authentication
* add yabasic (Yet Another BASIC) syntax highlighting
* File highlighting updates
* New skins
* Lots of other fixes
- Remove sftp_interactive_password.patch
- Remove mc-no-common.patch


Request History
Paolo Stivanin's avatar

polslinux created request

- Update to 4.8.24
* Implement the file edit and view history
* sftpfs: support keyborad interactive authentication
* add yabasic (Yet Another BASIC) syntax highlighting
* File highlighting updates
* New skins
* Lots of other fixes
- Remove sftp_interactive_password.patch
- Remove mc-no-common.patch

Adam Majer's avatar

adamm accepted request

Thank you

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