
Request 798399 superseded

This request should be pushed to factory for GNOME 3.36 support.

- Support GNOME 3.34 on SLE15-SP2/Leap15.2
- Correctly set GNOME shell version depending on OS release
- Update shell extension to GNOME-3.36 branch, and use upstream
patch order
* renumber patch: 0101-Don-t-try-to-access-controller.activities-before-it-.patch
(was 0001)
* renumber patch: 0102-Fix-disable-callback-gnome-shell-3.30-compatibility.patch
(was 0002)
* renumber patch: 0103-convenience.js-has-been-removed-in-GNOME-extensions-.patch
(was 0003)
* renumber patch: 0104-Makefile-allow-shipping-convenience.js.patch (was 0005)
* renumber patch: 0105-metadata.json-mark-GNOME-3.30-as-supported.patch (was 0004)
* remove patch: 0006-Makefile-don-t-zip.patch
* add patch: 0106-Fix-installation-instructions-matches-Ubuntu-18.04-T.patch
* add patch: 0107-metadata.json-remove-version-field.patch
* renumber patch: 0108-drop-convenience.js.patch (was 0007)
* renumber patch: 0109-make-test-style-set-esversion-to-6-for-GNOME-3.32.patch
(was 0008)
* renumber patch: 0110-Mark-GNOME-3.32-as-supported-all-others-as-unsupport.patch
(was 0009)
* renumber patch: 0111-Port-GObject-classes-to-JS6-classes.patch
(was 0010)
* renumber patch: 0112-add-jshint-validthis-to-silence-warnings-about-stric.patch
(was 0011)
* renumber patch: 0113-todaysFactsWidget-renumber-missing-bind.patch (was 0012)
* renumber patch: 0114-replace-Lang.bind-with-function-.bind.patch (was 0013)
* renumber patch: 0115-Port-non-GObject-class-to-JS6.patch (was 0014)
* renumber patch: 0116-extension.js-add-jshint-validthis-hints.patch (was 0015)
* renumber patch: 0117-extension.js-fix-indentation-after-previous-change.patch
(was 0016)

Request History
Martin Wilck's avatar

mwilck created request

This request should be pushed to factory for GNOME 3.36 support.

- Support GNOME 3.34 on SLE15-SP2/Leap15.2
- Correctly set GNOME shell version depending on OS release
- Update shell extension to GNOME-3.36 branch, and use upstream
patch order
* renumber patch: 0101-Don-t-try-to-access-controller.activities-before-it-.patch
(was 0001)
* renumber patch: 0102-Fix-disable-callback-gnome-shell-3.30-compatibility.patch
(was 0002)
* renumber patch: 0103-convenience.js-has-been-removed-in-GNOME-extensions-.patch
(was 0003)
* renumber patch: 0104-Makefile-allow-shipping-convenience.js.patch (was 0005)
* renumber patch: 0105-metadata.json-mark-GNOME-3.30-as-supported.patch (was 0004)
* remove patch: 0006-Makefile-don-t-zip.patch
* add patch: 0106-Fix-installation-instructions-matches-Ubuntu-18.04-T.patch
* add patch: 0107-metadata.json-remove-version-field.patch
* renumber patch: 0108-drop-convenience.js.patch (was 0007)
* renumber patch: 0109-make-test-style-set-esversion-to-6-for-GNOME-3.32.patch
(was 0008)
* renumber patch: 0110-Mark-GNOME-3.32-as-supported-all-others-as-unsupport.patch
(was 0009)
* renumber patch: 0111-Port-GObject-classes-to-JS6-classes.patch
(was 0010)
* renumber patch: 0112-add-jshint-validthis-to-silence-warnings-about-stric.patch
(was 0011)
* renumber patch: 0113-todaysFactsWidget-renumber-missing-bind.patch (was 0012)
* renumber patch: 0114-replace-Lang.bind-with-function-.bind.patch (was 0013)
* renumber patch: 0115-Port-non-GObject-class-to-JS6.patch (was 0014)
* renumber patch: 0116-extension.js-add-jshint-validthis-hints.patch (was 0015)
* renumber patch: 0117-extension.js-fix-indentation-after-previous-change.patch
(was 0016)

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined review

Output of check script:
A patch (0002-Fix-disable-callback-gnome-shell-3.30-compatibility.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0001-Don-t-try-to-access-controller.activities-before-it-.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0003-convenience.js-has-been-removed-in-GNOME-extensions-.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0005-Makefile-allow-shipping-convenience.js.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0011-add-jshint-validthis-to-silence-warnings-about-stric.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0020-panelWidget-fix-object.actor-is-deprecated-warning.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0010-Port-GObject-classes-to-JS6-classes.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0012-todaysFactsWidget-add-missing-bind.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0015-extension.js-add-jshint-validthis-hints.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0017-Don-t-log-ACTIVITIES-at-every-refresh.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0008-make-test-style-set-esversion-to-6-for-GNOME-3.32.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0016-extension.js-fix-indentation-after-previous-change.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0021-metadata.json-mark-GNOME-3.34-as-supported.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0113-todaysFactsWidget-add-missing-bind.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0014-Port-non-GObject-class-to-JS6.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0009-Mark-GNOME-3.32-as-supported-all-others-as-unsupport.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0007-drop-convenience.js.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0019-factsBox-use-GObject.registerClass.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0004-metadata.json-mark-GNOME-3.30-as-supported.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0013-replace-Lang.bind-with-function-.bind.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0018-doc-remove-broken-link-to-usejsdoc.org.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined request

Output of check script:
A patch (0002-Fix-disable-callback-gnome-shell-3.30-compatibility.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0001-Don-t-try-to-access-controller.activities-before-it-.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0003-convenience.js-has-been-removed-in-GNOME-extensions-.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0005-Makefile-allow-shipping-convenience.js.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0011-add-jshint-validthis-to-silence-warnings-about-stric.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0020-panelWidget-fix-object.actor-is-deprecated-warning.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0010-Port-GObject-classes-to-JS6-classes.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0012-todaysFactsWidget-add-missing-bind.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0015-extension.js-add-jshint-validthis-hints.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0017-Don-t-log-ACTIVITIES-at-every-refresh.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0008-make-test-style-set-esversion-to-6-for-GNOME-3.32.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0016-extension.js-fix-indentation-after-previous-change.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0021-metadata.json-mark-GNOME-3.34-as-supported.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0113-todaysFactsWidget-add-missing-bind.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0014-Port-non-GObject-class-to-JS6.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0009-Mark-GNOME-3.32-as-supported-all-others-as-unsupport.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0007-drop-convenience.js.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0019-factsBox-use-GObject.registerClass.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0004-metadata.json-mark-GNOME-3.30-as-supported.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0013-replace-Lang.bind-with-function-.bind.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (0018-doc-remove-broken-link-to-usejsdoc.org.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.

Martin Wilck's avatar

mwilck superseded request

superseded by 798689

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