
Request 799916 accepted

* added skip_python2 back to spec file

- specfile:
* be more specific in %files section
- update to version 2.3.0:
* Features
+ Calculate character width using `east_asian_width` - #1378 PR by
+ Use `language_version: system` by default for `node` hooks if
`node` / `npm` are globally installed. - #1388 PR by @asottile.
* Fixes
+ No longer use a hard-coded user id for docker hooks on windows -
#1371 PR by @killuazhu.
+ Fix colors on windows during `git commit` - #1381 issue by
@Cielquan. - #1382 PR by @asottile.
+ Produce readable error message for incorrect argument count to
`hook-impl` - #1394 issue by @pip9ball. - #1395 PR by
+ Fix installations which involve an upgrade of `pip` on windows -
#1398 issue by @xiaohuazi123. - #1399 PR by @asottile.
+ Preserve line endings in `pre-commit autoupdate` - #1402 PR by

Request History
Arun Persaud's avatar

apersaud created request

* added skip_python2 back to spec file

- specfile:
* be more specific in %files section
- update to version 2.3.0:
* Features
+ Calculate character width using `east_asian_width` - #1378 PR by
+ Use `language_version: system` by default for `node` hooks if
`node` / `npm` are globally installed. - #1388 PR by @asottile.
* Fixes
+ No longer use a hard-coded user id for docker hooks on windows -
#1371 PR by @killuazhu.
+ Fix colors on windows during `git commit` - #1381 issue by
@Cielquan. - #1382 PR by @asottile.
+ Produce readable error message for incorrect argument count to
`hook-impl` - #1394 issue by @pip9ball. - #1395 PR by
+ Fix installations which involve an upgrade of `pip` on windows -
#1398 issue by @xiaohuazi123. - #1399 PR by @asottile.
+ Preserve line endings in `pre-commit autoupdate` - #1402 PR by

Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

scarabeus_iv accepted request

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