Request 805375 accepted
- Use the correct CMake variable to set the shader install location.
- Replace osl-pkgconfig-versions.patch with correct upstream
- Adapt to LLVM 9/10 changes defaulting to single clang-cpp library,
add 0001-Use-single-shared-clang-cpp-library-starting-with-LL.patch
instead of mangling CMake output.
- Dropped osl-oslimageio-soname.patch, which erroneously adds a
version to the OpenImageIO plugin, voiding any chance for
OIIO to find and load the plugin.
- Rename the osl.imageio package to OpenImageIO-plugin-osl, to
better reflect its purpose, install the plugin to the default
OpenImageIO plugin directory.
- Use python3 for the build process.
- Created by StefanBruens
- In state accepted
- Package maintainer: StefanBruens
Request History
StefanBruens created request
- Use the correct CMake variable to set the shader install location.
- Replace osl-pkgconfig-versions.patch with correct upstream
- Adapt to LLVM 9/10 changes defaulting to single clang-cpp library,
add 0001-Use-single-shared-clang-cpp-library-starting-with-LL.patch
instead of mangling CMake output.
- Dropped osl-oslimageio-soname.patch, which erroneously adds a
version to the OpenImageIO plugin, voiding any chance for
OIIO to find and load the plugin.
- Rename the osl.imageio package to OpenImageIO-plugin-osl, to
better reflect its purpose, install the plugin to the default
OpenImageIO plugin directory.
- Use python3 for the build process.
frispete accepted request
Great work, Stefan. Thanks.