
Request 812606 accepted

* Update to version 2.0.2
* Python2 support dropped since version 2.0.0: set skip_python2 to 1 and drop conditionals for python2.
* Update BuildRequires, Requires, and Recommends in keeping with upstream setup.py.
* Replace tests in %check with simple `%python_exec setup.py test`; still doesn't work though.
* The examples directory no longer exists; remove from file list.

Request History
Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

badshah400 created request

* Update to version 2.0.2
* Python2 support dropped since version 2.0.0: set skip_python2 to 1 and drop conditionals for python2.
* Update BuildRequires, Requires, and Recommends in keeping with upstream setup.py.
* Replace tests in %check with simple `%python_exec setup.py test`; still doesn't work though.
* The examples directory no longer exists; remove from file list.

Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

scarabeus_iv accepted request

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