
Request 816745 accepted

- update to version 3.2.2:
* Unit converters recognize subclasses
* imsave accepts metadata and PIL options
* cbook.normalize_kwargs
* FontProperties accepts os.PathLike
* Gouraud-shading alpha channel in PDF backend
* Kerning adjustments now use correct values
* bar3d lightsource shading
* Shifting errorbars
* Improvements in Logit scale ticker and formatter
* rcParams for axes title location and color
* 3-digit and 4-digit hex colors

Request History
Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat created request

- update to version 3.2.2:
* Unit converters recognize subclasses
* imsave accepts metadata and PIL options
* cbook.normalize_kwargs
* FontProperties accepts os.PathLike
* Gouraud-shading alpha channel in PDF backend
* Kerning adjustments now use correct values
* bar3d lightsource shading
* Shifting errorbars
* Improvements in Logit scale ticker and formatter
* rcParams for axes title location and color
* 3-digit and 4-digit hex colors

Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat accepted request

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