
Request 818854 accepted

- use systemd's RuntimeDirectory= service variable to create the
runtime directory instead of systemd's tmpfiles
- use %%{_localstatedir}/spool/%%{name} as home directory for user
opendmarc instead of %%{_rundir}/%%{name}
- update DMARC support stuff from TechSneeze to current versions

Request History
Matthias Fehring's avatar

buschmann23 created request

- use systemd's RuntimeDirectory= service variable to create the
runtime directory instead of systemd's tmpfiles
- use %%{_localstatedir}/spool/%%{name} as home directory for user
opendmarc instead of %%{_rundir}/%%{name}
- update DMARC support stuff from TechSneeze to current versions

Dirk Stoecker's avatar

dstoecker accepted request

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