
Request 819218 accepted

- Update to 5.0.2
* Many new features and performance improvements, see upstream changelog
* Changed :class:`audiomate.corpus.validation.InvalidItemsResult'
to use it not only for Utterances, but also for Tracks for example.
* Refactoring and addition of splitting functions in the
* For utterances and labels -1 was used for representing that the end
is the same as the end of the parent utterance/track. In order to
prevent -1 checks in different methods/places float('inf') is now used.
This makes it easier to implement stuff like label overlapping.
* :class:`audiomate.annotations.LabelList` is now backed by an interval-tree
instead of a simple list. Therefore the labels have no fixed order anymore.
The interval-tree provides functionality for operations like merging,
splitting, finding overlaps with much lower code complexity.
* Removed module :mod:`audiomate.annotations.label_cleaning`, since those
methods are available on :class:`audiomate.annotations.LabelList` directly.

Request History
Markéta Machová's avatar

mcalabkova created request

- Update to 5.0.2
* Many new features and performance improvements, see upstream changelog
* Changed :class:`audiomate.corpus.validation.InvalidItemsResult'
to use it not only for Utterances, but also for Tracks for example.
* Refactoring and addition of splitting functions in the
* For utterances and labels -1 was used for representing that the end
is the same as the end of the parent utterance/track. In order to
prevent -1 checks in different methods/places float('inf') is now used.
This makes it easier to implement stuff like label overlapping.
* :class:`audiomate.annotations.LabelList` is now backed by an interval-tree
instead of a simple list. Therefore the labels have no fixed order anymore.
The interval-tree provides functionality for operations like merging,
splitting, finding overlaps with much lower code complexity.
* Removed module :mod:`audiomate.annotations.label_cleaning`, since those
methods are available on :class:`audiomate.annotations.LabelList` directly.

Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

scarabeus_iv accepted request

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