Request 821283 accepted
- Update to version 20200715:
* Add cn.vu (#987)
* Add opensocial.site (#1056)
* Add wpenginepowered.com (#1064)
* The list of Jelastic public domains was extended. Addition to #1023 (#1063)
* Update platform.sh (#1061)
* add pages.wiardweb.com (#1035)
* Update public_suffix_list.dat (#1036)
* gTLD autopull: 2020-06-27 (#1059)
* Removal of education.tas.edu.au (#977)
* gTLD autopull: 2020-06-24 (#1057)
* gTLD autopull: 2020-06-20 (#1055)
Request History
pluskalm created request
- Update to version 20200715:
* Add cn.vu (#987)
* Add opensocial.site (#1056)
* Add wpenginepowered.com (#1064)
* The list of Jelastic public domains was extended. Addition to #1023 (#1063)
* Update platform.sh (#1061)
* add pages.wiardweb.com (#1035)
* Update public_suffix_list.dat (#1036)
* gTLD autopull: 2020-06-27 (#1059)
* Removal of education.tas.edu.au (#977)
* gTLD autopull: 2020-06-24 (#1057)
* gTLD autopull: 2020-06-20 (#1055)
pluskalm accepted request