
Request 821989 accepted

- Work on unit testing
* Move architecture selection to bcond definition at top of
specfile. This makes it clear in the OBS web UI that the test
flavor is only built for x86_64 and aarch64
* do not build everything a second time during check (in-place)
* instead use new subpackage testdata wich contains the baseline
images created at regular build time
* use pytest-xvfb and %pytest macro
(buildroot path actually not required)
* tidy test skip definitions
* add python-gobject-Gdk to pass the gtk3 backend testso
- include version for obsoletes -qt-shared (rpmlint warning)
- move some cairo files to backend packages
- remove python2 transition requirements mock and six
- update matplotlib-setup.cfg

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Work on unit testing
* Move architecture selection to bcond definition at top of
specfile. This makes it clear in the OBS web UI that the test
flavor is only built for x86_64 and aarch64
* do not build everything a second time during check (in-place)
* instead use new subpackage testdata wich contains the baseline
images created at regular build time
* use pytest-xvfb and %pytest macro
(buildroot path actually not required)
* tidy test skip definitions
* add python-gobject-Gdk to pass the gtk3 backend testso
- include version for obsoletes -qt-shared (rpmlint warning)
- move some cairo files to backend packages
- remove python2 transition requirements mock and six
- update matplotlib-setup.cfg

Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

scarabeus_iv accepted request

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