
Request 823332 accepted

- fix t-remarks test to work with the old gpg2 in Leap 15


Fabian Vogt's avatar

Can you submit this to Base:System? KDE:Qt5.15 just links it from TW.

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

Well, it's not relevant for Factory (Base:System is not built for Leap at all, and it has the latest gpg2 too anyway). We only need it here because we don't build gpg2 as well.

Also, I had hoped to get the build here fixed as soon as possible, because we currently have 19 unresolvable packages in KDE:Applications. (and 20.08 RC is being released tomorrow) Going through Tumbleweed will take a while...

Ideally this would be fixed upstream anyway, I have the impression that they do try to keep support for older gpg versions, and this was just an oversight.

Fabian Vogt's avatar

Even if it's not too relevant, having it in a single place is still better, so could you just submit it and we'll see what happens?

It seems to be a genuine bug in gpgme though, as that was added specifically for gpg 2.3 (https://github.com/gpg/gpgme/commit/c49324200734e8ee8524bc096195e24e8aae87cb) while there is specific code to support older versions (https://github.com/gpg/gpgme/commit/e7b5c6405da515101f62acce2837e6c0cc115b76)

Request History
Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

wolfi323 created request

- fix t-remarks test to work with the old gpg2 in Leap 15

Fabian Vogt's avatar

Vogtinator accepted request

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