Request 824375 accepted
- Update to version 1.2.8
* validate UTF-8 encoding of client version strings from peers
* don't time out tracker announces as eagerly while resolving
* fix NAT-PMP shutdown issue
* improve hostname lookup by merging identical lookups
* fix network route enumeration for large routing tables
* fixed issue where pop_alerts() could return old, invalid
* fix issue when receiving have-all message before the
* don't leave lingering part files handles open
* disallow calling add_piece() during checking
* fix incorrect filename truncation at multi-byte character
* always announce listen port 1 when using a proxy
Request History
alois created request
- Update to version 1.2.8
* validate UTF-8 encoding of client version strings from peers
* don't time out tracker announces as eagerly while resolving
* fix NAT-PMP shutdown issue
* improve hostname lookup by merging identical lookups
* fix network route enumeration for large routing tables
* fixed issue where pop_alerts() could return old, invalid
* fix issue when receiving have-all message before the
* don't leave lingering part files handles open
* disallow calling add_piece() during checking
* fix incorrect filename truncation at multi-byte character
* always announce listen port 1 when using a proxy
XRevan86 accepted request