
Request 832766 accepted

- added _with_python 1 macro so if in future breakage it can be unset
no need to specially change .spec file
- updated to latest version 7.6.1
- fix building on opensuse leap 15.X
- added mapserver-7.6.1-fix_python_install_path.patch to fix
python install location defaulting to arch independent location
- a lot of changes between versions please look at:
and at this location:
- security fixes from older versions: CVE-2020-10872 and CVE-2020-10873


Boris Manojlovic's avatar

another thing is that i have "fixed" location where python modules are installed, so please add Macros: %_with_pyton 1 into project settings too

Martin Pluskal's avatar

just change the spec file, no need to do this on project level config

Request History
Boris Manojlovic's avatar

bmanojlovic created request

- added _with_python 1 macro so if in future breakage it can be unset
no need to specially change .spec file
- updated to latest version 7.6.1
- fix building on opensuse leap 15.X
- added mapserver-7.6.1-fix_python_install_path.patch to fix
python install location defaulting to arch independent location
- a lot of changes between versions please look at:
and at this location:
- security fixes from older versions: CVE-2020-10872 and CVE-2020-10873

Martin Pluskal's avatar

pluskalm accepted request


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