
Request 835442 accepted

- buildfix-ppc64le.patch
* buildfix for ppc64le (boo#1176562)

- update to 20.1.8:
* mainly bugfixes, highlights:
- Crash in ruvd_end_frame when calling vaBeginPicture/vaEndPicture without rendering anything
- khr_debug-push-pop-group_gl: ../src/util/simple_mtx.h:86: simple_mtx_lock: Assertion `c != _SIMPLE_MTX_INVALID_VALUE' failed.
- Amber test opt_peel_loop_initial_if: Assertion failed
- Dirt Rally: Flickering glitches on certain foliage since Mesa 20.1.0 caused by MSAA
- [BRW] WRC 5 asserts with gallium nine and iris.

Request History
Stefan Dirsch's avatar

sndirsch created request

- buildfix-ppc64le.patch
* buildfix for ppc64le (boo#1176562)

- update to 20.1.8:
* mainly bugfixes, highlights:
- Crash in ruvd_end_frame when calling vaBeginPicture/vaEndPicture without rendering anything
- khr_debug-push-pop-group_gl: ../src/util/simple_mtx.h:86: simple_mtx_lock: Assertion `c != _SIMPLE_MTX_INVALID_VALUE' failed.
- Amber test opt_peel_loop_initial_if: Assertion failed
- Dirt Rally: Flickering glitches on certain foliage since Mesa 20.1.0 caused by MSAA
- [BRW] WRC 5 asserts with gallium nine and iris.

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:D got accepted.

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:D got accepted.

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dimstar_suse accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:D got accepted.

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