Request 836405 accepted
- Update to version 4.6.5.
* nemo-window-pane.c: Only show the active window-pane's toolbar
when toggling toolbar visiblity.
* nemo-view.c: Don't cache the selection, this has been broken by
deferred attribute loading.
* debian/rules: Set buildtype to 'debug'.
* nemo-bookmark-list.c: Don't get bookmark icon property
- Created by andythe_great
- In state accepted
Request History
andythe_great created request
- Update to version 4.6.5.
* nemo-window-pane.c: Only show the active window-pane's toolbar
when toggling toolbar visiblity.
* nemo-view.c: Don't cache the selection, this has been broken by
deferred attribute loading.
* debian/rules: Set buildtype to 'debug'.
* nemo-bookmark-list.c: Don't get bookmark icon property
ukbeast89 accepted request
Thank you.