Request 839843 accepted
- Update to 4.2.3
Minor release fixing some issues found over the last month.
* Added
- Subsonic: Generate errors for objects missing art
* Changed
- Don't mark short songs as skipped
- Subsonic: Stop converting strings to ints in JSON responses
* Fixed
- User registrations
- Workaround null values for new columns in search table
- Check release_type length before inserting into the database
- Ensure Album Artist is set correctly on songs
- Subsonic: Fix callbacks for similarSongs2 and artistInfo2
- Subsonic: getCoverArt fixes
* API 4.2.3
Request History
ecsos created request
- Update to 4.2.3
Minor release fixing some issues found over the last month.
* Added
- Subsonic: Generate errors for objects missing art
* Changed
- Don't mark short songs as skipped
- Subsonic: Stop converting strings to ints in JSON responses
* Fixed
- User registrations
- Workaround null values for new columns in search table
- Check release_type length before inserting into the database
- Ensure Album Artist is set correctly on songs
- Subsonic: Fix callbacks for similarSongs2 and artistInfo2
- Subsonic: getCoverArt fixes
* API 4.2.3
ecsos accepted request