
Request 841799 accepted

- Ensure virt.update stop_on_reboot is updated with its default value
- Added:
* ensure-virt.update-stop_on_reboot-is-updated-with-it.patch

- Do not break package building for systemd OSes

- Drop wrong mock from chroot unit test
- Added:
* drop-wrong-mock-from-chroot-unit-test.patch

- Support systemd versions with dot (bsc#1176294)

- Fix for grains.test_core unit test
- Fix file/directory user and group ownership containing UTF-8
characters (bsc#1176024)
- Several changes to virtualization:
- - Fix virt update when cpu and memory are changed
- - Memory Tuning GSoC
- - Properly fix memory setting regression in virt.update
- - Expose libvirt on_reboot in virt states
- Support transactional systems (MicroOS)
- zypperpkg module ignores retcode 104 for search() (bsc#1159670)
- Xen disk fixes. No longer generates volumes for Xen disks, but the
corresponding file or block disk (bsc#1175987)
- Added:
* fix-grains.test_core-unit-test-277.patch
* support-transactional-systems-microos-271.patch
* backport-a-few-virt-prs-272.patch
* xen-disk-fixes-264.patch
* zypperpkg-ignore-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch

Request History
Pablo Suárez Hernández's avatar

PSuarezHernandez created request

- Ensure virt.update stop_on_reboot is updated with its default value
- Added:
* ensure-virt.update-stop_on_reboot-is-updated-with-it.patch

- Do not break package building for systemd OSes

- Drop wrong mock from chroot unit test
- Added:
* drop-wrong-mock-from-chroot-unit-test.patch

- Support systemd versions with dot (bsc#1176294)

- Fix for grains.test_core unit test
- Fix file/directory user and group ownership containing UTF-8
characters (bsc#1176024)
- Several changes to virtualization:
- - Fix virt update when cpu and memory are changed
- - Memory Tuning GSoC
- - Properly fix memory setting regression in virt.update
- - Expose libvirt on_reboot in virt states
- Support transactional systems (MicroOS)
- zypperpkg module ignores retcode 104 for search() (bsc#1159670)
- Xen disk fixes. No longer generates volumes for Xen disks, but the
corresponding file or block disk (bsc#1175987)
- Added:
* fix-grains.test_core-unit-test-277.patch
* support-transactional-systems-microos-271.patch
* backport-a-few-virt-prs-272.patch
* xen-disk-fixes-264.patch
* zypperpkg-ignore-retcode-104-for-search-bsc-1176697-.patch

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factory-auto accepted review

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licensedigger accepted review


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RBrownSUSE set openSUSE:Factory:Staging:D as a staging project

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:D"

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RBrownSUSE accepted review

Picked "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:D"

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted review

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:D got accepted.

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dimstar_suse approved review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:D got accepted.

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dimstar_suse accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:D got accepted.

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