
Request 843209 accepted

- Update to 5.0.4
* New Features and Improvements
- ZBXNEXT-6023 Added Windows service support for Zabbix agent 2
- ZBXNEXT-6019 Added Oracle Database plugin
- ZBXNEXT-6139 Added GetHeaders method to CurlHttpRequest javascript object
- ZBXNEXT-6116 Added SysAid media type
- ZBXNEXT-6167 Added diaginfo runtime command to log internal diagnostic information
- ZBXNEXT-6106 Added Host context menu to hosts listed on 'Web monitoring' page
- ZBXNEXT-6065 Added SolarWinds Service Desk webhook
- ZBXNEXT-6117 Added media "TOPdesk"
- ZBXNEXT-5540 Added LLD rules for stand-alone and CAPsMAN APs
- ZBXCTR-10 Added iLert media type
* Bug Fixes
- ZBX-17993 Fixed ZabbixWeb Test Item for Admin is not working
- ZBX-13384 Fixed minor template issues to follow guidelines
- ZBX-18114 Fixed documentation for Agent2 PersistentBuffer
- ZBX-17842 Updated VMware template to follow guidelines
- ZBX-17848 Fixed fping interval detection, added log prints of detected options in debug mode, re-detect options every hour
- ZBX-18341 Removed media_jira_with_CF_example.xml and moved example with custom fields example to readme
- ZBX-18131 Added support of single-select, checkbox and radio button customfield types and "__zbx" tag filter for labels in Jira webhook
- ZBX-18065 Add help flag to Zabbix Agent 2
- ZBX-17906 Fixed HTTP agent JSON output when using HTTP/2; thanks to Mike Noordermeer for the patch
- ZBX-18206 Fixed incorrect housekeeping form behaviour
- ZBX-18167 Fixed filter block in lld overrides popup
- ZBX-18174 Fixed oracle errors for host macro updates when linking templates
- ZBX-18188 Increased age and duration related macro resolution to seconds
- ZBX-18152 Fixed incorrect selected menu option for template screens page
- ZBX-18340 Added runtime command diaginfo option to command line help messages
- ZBX-18250 Changed link to "Web monitoring" page in context menu with filtering parameters
- ZBX-18170 Fixed LLD override for applications
- ZBX-15904 Added check of required cache size for vmware event messages
- ZBX-18121 Fixed SSH monitoring when compiled with libssh; thanks to MATSUDA Daiki for the patch
- ZBX-17927 Fixed Agent2 user-defined parameter key testing
- ZBX-18314 Fixed description of URI field in Template DB MySQL by Zabbix agent 2
- ZBX-18067 Fixed using outdated dynamic host when editing dynamic widgets on dashboard
- ZBX-18261 Fixed performance of the "Latest data" screen with partitioned history tables
- ZBX-18322 Enabled Memcached and MySQL plugins for Windows
- ZBX-17982 Added non-trigger event types support to webhooks
- ZBX-18190 Removed triggers for items Log growths, Log shrinks for MSSQL ODBC template
- ZBX-18122 Fixed russian character in setup section and templates for Oracle ODBC and PostgreSQL agent2
- ZBX-18074 Fixed unresolved macros in item names in data overview table
- ZBX-18195 Changed log level increase command for Agent 2 to match Agent 1
- ZBX-17984 Added support of ipv6 and unix sockets for memcached plugin
- ZBX-18189 Fixed crash when performing housekeeping with disabled value cache
- ZBX-18181 Fixed undefined index when importing host with non-existing interface
- ZBX-14503 Updated JMX template to follow guidelines
- ZBX-18196 Added overriding of triggers for IPMI Threshold sensors discovery
- ZBX-18021 Changed Opsgenie media to handle extra options Tags and Teams
- ZBX-18050 Removed proxy name from host breadcrumbs
- ZBX-18202 Added new default item keys for item type "Zabbix aggregate"
- ZBX-18124 Fixed discovered host group prototype saving during import
- ZBX-17692 Fixed column sizes and paddings for items in graph edit form
- ZBX-17812 Fixed incorrect copying of severeties in Problem widgets
- ZBX-17886 Fixed SNMP type item test form not sending and resolving interface macros
- ZBX-18183 Fixed displaying negative time in convertUnitsS() function
- ZBX-18103 Fixed host connection macro in Slack media type
- ZBX-18249 Fixed Oracle ODBC Template issues
- ZBX-18072 Fixed Discord API version in Discord media type
- ZBX-17952 Fixed compression availability not being checked when deleting history
- ZBX-17981 Fixed Discord endpoint validation
- Changes from 5.0.3
* New Features and Improvements
- ZBXNEXT-6080 Add telnet support for net.tcp.service/.perf key and enable it on linux/darwin
- ZBXNEXT-6101 Add native linux vfs.fs.inode[fs,] metric support to agent2
- ZBXNEXT-6102 Add native linux vfs.fs.get metric support to agent2
- ZBXNEXT-6103 Add native linux vfs.fs.discovery metric support to agent2
- ZBXNEXT-6100 Add native linux vfs.fs.size[fs,] metric support to agent2
- ZBXNEXT-6010 Added template "Template DB Oracle by ODBC"
- ZBXCTR-12 SiGNL4 update to close alerts in SIGNL4 when closed in Zabbix
- ZBXNEXT-6004 Added host info to vmware event message log
- ZBXNEXT-5903 Added vmware datacenters discovery
- ZBXNEXT-6042 Optimized trigger, calculated item processing by resolving user macros during configuration cache synchronization
* Bug Fixes
- ZBX-18261 Fixed Latest data performance by allowing to filter items with data only if hosts are selected as well
- ZBX-13789 Fixed SQL errors with Oracle backend due to incorrect use of the USING statement
- ZBX-17785 Fixed dbstat query for postgresql v12
- ZBX-18204 Fixed lost password in ssh remote command operation form data
- ZBX-18046 Improved error message generation performance of user macro and item key parser
- ZBX-18105 Fixed use on uninitialised variable
- ZBX-18014 Added ODBC empty query check
- ZBX-18160 Fixed fatal error in items.php and host_discovery.php
- ZBX-13383 Improved performance of the trigger and trigger prototype inheritance
- ZBX-18092 Reimplemented item folding based on application names and improved summary for each application in latest data view
- ZBX-13789 Improved performance of "Problems" widget with MySQL backend by removing DISTINCT modifier from SQL - statements with tables joined by primary keys
- ZBX-18214 Added collecting of physical CPU utilization data on IBM AIX and modified system.cpu.util[]
- ZBX-17974 Implement timeouts for WMI queries
- ZBX-18149 Fixed discovered hosts showing links to host prototypes which should not possible
- ZBX-18132 Added OpenSSL extension check in frontend setup and SAML authentication form
- ZBX-18169 Fixed housekeeper not deleting history and trends for deleted items if storage period is not overridden
- ZBX-17468 Fixed excess audit log record being added on host status update
- ZBX-16998 Improved agent binary compatibility by removing __thread attribute when not building agent2
- ZBX-17815 Fixed connection timeout when persistent buffer enabled
- ZBX-18106 Fixed map navigation tree widget copying
- ZBX-18012 Fixed undefined index error in history manager and added error message in charts when Elasticsearch - requests fails
- ZBX-18076 Fixed PHP notice in hostinterface API
- ZBX-18000 Added red label for disabled media types in user profile
- ZBX-17996 Fixed ip/dns field width in host interface
- ZBX-18075 Fixed runtime error when creating a host via API
- ZBX-17814 Fixed memory leaks in the agent persistent buffer
- ZBX-17973 Fixed saving widget refresh rate in user profile
- ZBX-15927 Removed problem calculation for dependent triggers when master trigger is in problem state
- ZBX-17933 Fixed runtime error in maps
- ZBX-18063 Fixed usage of unsupported parameter in API call
- ZBX-18126 Fixed incorrect labels in action operations dialog
- ZBX-18060 Fixed inaccessible user be displayed as accessible in slide show properties screen
- ZBX-18147 Fixed wrong character set detection logic for Oracle DB
- ZBX-18115 Added {$MSSQL.INSTANCE} macro and changed queries and item preprocessing for support MS SQL instance name
- ZBX-17653 Fixed new widget placeholder behavior and dashboard height calculation in edit mode
- ZBX-16819 Added link to hosts linked to each template in templates list
- ZBX-18023 Fixed format of agent2 version number
- ZBX-18071 Fixed slow SQL query when filtering items with latest data available
- ZBX-17898 Fixed JavaScript errors on pasting widgets
- ZBX-17569 Fixed calculating items not allowing negative values be corrected in the preprocessing
- ZBX-18036 Fixed endpoint URL for Elasticsearch API requests
- ZBX-18068 Fixed incorrect function call and redundant code
- ZBX-8081 Fixed 'cmdline' parameter truncation on Solaris 11.3 and later
- ZBX-18014 Fixed memory leak when action message does not have to be sent
- ZBX-15117 Fixed graph configuration with large amount of items
- ZBX-18069 Fixed server exit when trying to execute IPMI script without IPMI pollers
- ZBX-17820 Fixed classic graph widget default header
- ZBX-18025 Fixed availability report link
- ZBX-17977 Fixed port filter not preserved in Monitoring -> Hosts across refresh
- ZBX-17960 Fixed undefined index in trends API
- ZBX-18032 Fixed host address and port values are not preserved in item test form
- ZBX-18031 Fixed missing "loading" state in Monitoring → Latest data and Monitoring → Hosts
- ZBX-17925 Fixed graph image flicker during update in screens
- ZBX-17825 Fixed dynamic item switching for graph prototype widget
- ZBX-18054 Changed preprocessing for nginx.version
- ZBX-17903 Fixed the trigger condition for net.if.status in "Template Module Windows network", changed the wmi query in the master item, filters and preprocessing of LLD rule
- ZBX-17994 Fixed the configuration example in documentation of Template App Nginx
- ZBX-17682 Fixed button disable state in template item list and discovery list
- ZBX-17821 Fixed default header for inaccessible iterator widget content
- ZBX-17858 Fixed host group filter in templates general popup
- ZBX-18001 Fixed graph prototype widget paging
- ZBX-17924 Fixed php errors in "System information" window for MySQL
- ZBX-17997 Fixed user media passwords appearing in plain text in audit log
- ZBX-17968 Fixed z-index issue in floating widget header
- ZBX-17827 Fixed broken layout of the notification popup window
- ZBX-18009 Fixed non-masked secret macros in audit log
- ZBX-17908 Fixed too wide popup error messages
- ZBX-17782 Fixed PHP errors occurring during history search using Elasticsearch
- ZBX-17917 Changed vm.memory.size keys on Solaris to get memory usage statistics from kstat
- ZBX-18029 Fixed cpu counter wraparound handling on Solaris
- Fix apache.conf to see frontend and not access denied.
- Add missing things to apache.conf.
- Add zabbix-conf.patch to move zabbix.conf.php from /usr/share/zabbix/conf to /etc/zabbix/web.
- Add zabbix-enable_language.patch to enable other languages.
- Add missing maintenance.inc.php to /etc/zabbix/web.
- Fix some rpmlint errors.

Request History
Eric Schirra's avatar

ecsos created request

- Update to 5.0.4
* New Features and Improvements
- ZBXNEXT-6023 Added Windows service support for Zabbix agent 2
- ZBXNEXT-6019 Added Oracle Database plugin
- ZBXNEXT-6139 Added GetHeaders method to CurlHttpRequest javascript object
- ZBXNEXT-6116 Added SysAid media type
- ZBXNEXT-6167 Added diaginfo runtime command to log internal diagnostic information
- ZBXNEXT-6106 Added Host context menu to hosts listed on 'Web monitoring' page
- ZBXNEXT-6065 Added SolarWinds Service Desk webhook
- ZBXNEXT-6117 Added media "TOPdesk"
- ZBXNEXT-5540 Added LLD rules for stand-alone and CAPsMAN APs
- ZBXCTR-10 Added iLert media type
* Bug Fixes
- ZBX-17993 Fixed ZabbixWeb Test Item for Admin is not working
- ZBX-13384 Fixed minor template issues to follow guidelines
- ZBX-18114 Fixed documentation for Agent2 PersistentBuffer
- ZBX-17842 Updated VMware template to follow guidelines
- ZBX-17848 Fixed fping interval detection, added log prints of detected options in debug mode, re-detect options every hour
- ZBX-18341 Removed media_jira_with_CF_example.xml and moved example with custom fields example to readme
- ZBX-18131 Added support of single-select, checkbox and radio button customfield types and "__zbx" tag filter for labels in Jira webhook
- ZBX-18065 Add help flag to Zabbix Agent 2
- ZBX-17906 Fixed HTTP agent JSON output when using HTTP/2; thanks to Mike Noordermeer for the patch
- ZBX-18206 Fixed incorrect housekeeping form behaviour
- ZBX-18167 Fixed filter block in lld overrides popup
- ZBX-18174 Fixed oracle errors for host macro updates when linking templates
- ZBX-18188 Increased age and duration related macro resolution to seconds
- ZBX-18152 Fixed incorrect selected menu option for template screens page
- ZBX-18340 Added runtime command diaginfo option to command line help messages
- ZBX-18250 Changed link to "Web monitoring" page in context menu with filtering parameters
- ZBX-18170 Fixed LLD override for applications
- ZBX-15904 Added check of required cache size for vmware event messages
- ZBX-18121 Fixed SSH monitoring when compiled with libssh; thanks to MATSUDA Daiki for the patch
- ZBX-17927 Fixed Agent2 user-defined parameter key testing
- ZBX-18314 Fixed description of URI field in Template DB MySQL by Zabbix agent 2
- ZBX-18067 Fixed using outdated dynamic host when editing dynamic widgets on dashboard
- ZBX-18261 Fixed performance of the "Latest data" screen with partitioned history tables
- ZBX-18322 Enabled Memcached and MySQL plugins for Windows
- ZBX-17982 Added non-trigger event types support to webhooks
- ZBX-18190 Removed triggers for items Log growths, Log shrinks for MSSQL ODBC template
- ZBX-18122 Fixed russian character in setup section and templates for Oracle ODBC and PostgreSQL agent2
- ZBX-18074 Fixed unresolved macros in item names in data overview table
- ZBX-18195 Changed log level increase command for Agent 2 to match Agent 1
- ZBX-17984 Added support of ipv6 and unix sockets for memcached plugin
- ZBX-18189 Fixed crash when performing housekeeping with disabled value cache
- ZBX-18181 Fixed undefined index when importing host with non-existing interface
- ZBX-14503 Updated JMX template to follow guidelines
- ZBX-18196 Added overriding of triggers for IPMI Threshold sensors discovery
- ZBX-18021 Changed Opsgenie media to handle extra options Tags and Teams
- ZBX-18050 Removed proxy name from host breadcrumbs
- ZBX-18202 Added new default item keys for item type "Zabbix aggregate"
- ZBX-18124 Fixed discovered host group prototype saving during import
- ZBX-17692 Fixed column sizes and paddings for items in graph edit form
- ZBX-17812 Fixed incorrect copying of severeties in Problem widgets
- ZBX-17886 Fixed SNMP type item test form not sending and resolving interface macros
- ZBX-18183 Fixed displaying negative time in convertUnitsS() function
- ZBX-18103 Fixed host connection macro in Slack media type
- ZBX-18249 Fixed Oracle ODBC Template issues
- ZBX-18072 Fixed Discord API version in Discord media type
- ZBX-17952 Fixed compression availability not being checked when deleting history
- ZBX-17981 Fixed Discord endpoint validation
- Changes from 5.0.3
* New Features and Improvements
- ZBXNEXT-6080 Add telnet support for net.tcp.service/.perf key and enable it on linux/darwin
- ZBXNEXT-6101 Add native linux vfs.fs.inode[fs,] metric support to agent2
- ZBXNEXT-6102 Add native linux vfs.fs.get metric support to agent2
- ZBXNEXT-6103 Add native linux vfs.fs.discovery metric support to agent2
- ZBXNEXT-6100 Add native linux vfs.fs.size[fs,] metric support to agent2
- ZBXNEXT-6010 Added template "Template DB Oracle by ODBC"
- ZBXCTR-12 SiGNL4 update to close alerts in SIGNL4 when closed in Zabbix
- ZBXNEXT-6004 Added host info to vmware event message log
- ZBXNEXT-5903 Added vmware datacenters discovery
- ZBXNEXT-6042 Optimized trigger, calculated item processing by resolving user macros during configuration cache synchronization
* Bug Fixes
- ZBX-18261 Fixed Latest data performance by allowing to filter items with data only if hosts are selected as well
- ZBX-13789 Fixed SQL errors with Oracle backend due to incorrect use of the USING statement
- ZBX-17785 Fixed dbstat query for postgresql v12
- ZBX-18204 Fixed lost password in ssh remote command operation form data
- ZBX-18046 Improved error message generation performance of user macro and item key parser
- ZBX-18105 Fixed use on uninitialised variable
- ZBX-18014 Added ODBC empty query check
- ZBX-18160 Fixed fatal error in items.php and host_discovery.php
- ZBX-13383 Improved performance of the trigger and trigger prototype inheritance
- ZBX-18092 Reimplemented item folding based on application names and improved summary for each application in latest data view
- ZBX-13789 Improved performance of "Problems" widget with MySQL backend by removing DISTINCT modifier from SQL - statements with tables joined by primary keys
- ZBX-18214 Added collecting of physical CPU utilization data on IBM AIX and modified system.cpu.util[]
- ZBX-17974 Implement timeouts for WMI queries
- ZBX-18149 Fixed discovered hosts showing links to host prototypes which should not possible
- ZBX-18132 Added OpenSSL extension check in frontend setup and SAML authentication form
- ZBX-18169 Fixed housekeeper not deleting history and trends for deleted items if storage period is not overridden
- ZBX-17468 Fixed excess audit log record being added on host status update
- ZBX-16998 Improved agent binary compatibility by removing __thread attribute when not building agent2
- ZBX-17815 Fixed connection timeout when persistent buffer enabled
- ZBX-18106 Fixed map navigation tree widget copying
- ZBX-18012 Fixed undefined index error in history manager and added error message in charts when Elasticsearch - requests fails
- ZBX-18076 Fixed PHP notice in hostinterface API
- ZBX-18000 Added red label for disabled media types in user profile
- ZBX-17996 Fixed ip/dns field width in host interface
- ZBX-18075 Fixed runtime error when creating a host via API
- ZBX-17814 Fixed memory leaks in the agent persistent buffer
- ZBX-17973 Fixed saving widget refresh rate in user profile
- ZBX-15927 Removed problem calculation for dependent triggers when master trigger is in problem state
- ZBX-17933 Fixed runtime error in maps
- ZBX-18063 Fixed usage of unsupported parameter in API call
- ZBX-18126 Fixed incorrect labels in action operations dialog
- ZBX-18060 Fixed inaccessible user be displayed as accessible in slide show properties screen
- ZBX-18147 Fixed wrong character set detection logic for Oracle DB
- ZBX-18115 Added {$MSSQL.INSTANCE} macro and changed queries and item preprocessing for support MS SQL instance name
- ZBX-17653 Fixed new widget placeholder behavior and dashboard height calculation in edit mode
- ZBX-16819 Added link to hosts linked to each template in templates list
- ZBX-18023 Fixed format of agent2 version number
- ZBX-18071 Fixed slow SQL query when filtering items with latest data available
- ZBX-17898 Fixed JavaScript errors on pasting widgets
- ZBX-17569 Fixed calculating items not allowing negative values be corrected in the preprocessing
- ZBX-18036 Fixed endpoint URL for Elasticsearch API requests
- ZBX-18068 Fixed incorrect function call and redundant code
- ZBX-8081 Fixed 'cmdline' parameter truncation on Solaris 11.3 and later
- ZBX-18014 Fixed memory leak when action message does not have to be sent
- ZBX-15117 Fixed graph configuration with large amount of items
- ZBX-18069 Fixed server exit when trying to execute IPMI script without IPMI pollers
- ZBX-17820 Fixed classic graph widget default header
- ZBX-18025 Fixed availability report link
- ZBX-17977 Fixed port filter not preserved in Monitoring -> Hosts across refresh
- ZBX-17960 Fixed undefined index in trends API
- ZBX-18032 Fixed host address and port values are not preserved in item test form
- ZBX-18031 Fixed missing "loading" state in Monitoring → Latest data and Monitoring → Hosts
- ZBX-17925 Fixed graph image flicker during update in screens
- ZBX-17825 Fixed dynamic item switching for graph prototype widget
- ZBX-18054 Changed preprocessing for nginx.version
- ZBX-17903 Fixed the trigger condition for net.if.status in "Template Module Windows network", changed the wmi query in the master item, filters and preprocessing of LLD rule
- ZBX-17994 Fixed the configuration example in documentation of Template App Nginx
- ZBX-17682 Fixed button disable state in template item list and discovery list
- ZBX-17821 Fixed default header for inaccessible iterator widget content
- ZBX-17858 Fixed host group filter in templates general popup
- ZBX-18001 Fixed graph prototype widget paging
- ZBX-17924 Fixed php errors in "System information" window for MySQL
- ZBX-17997 Fixed user media passwords appearing in plain text in audit log
- ZBX-17968 Fixed z-index issue in floating widget header
- ZBX-17827 Fixed broken layout of the notification popup window
- ZBX-18009 Fixed non-masked secret macros in audit log
- ZBX-17908 Fixed too wide popup error messages
- ZBX-17782 Fixed PHP errors occurring during history search using Elasticsearch
- ZBX-17917 Changed vm.memory.size keys on Solaris to get memory usage statistics from kstat
- ZBX-18029 Fixed cpu counter wraparound handling on Solaris
- Fix apache.conf to see frontend and not access denied.
- Add missing things to apache.conf.
- Add zabbix-conf.patch to move zabbix.conf.php from /usr/share/zabbix/conf to /etc/zabbix/web.
- Add zabbix-enable_language.patch to enable other languages.
- Add missing maintenance.inc.php to /etc/zabbix/web.
- Fix some rpmlint errors.

Boris Manojlovic's avatar

bmanojlovic accepted request

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