
Request 845416 accepted

- Update to version 0.0.4:
* Add docs understandable by terraform registry
- from version 0.0.3:
* Add GitHub Actions handling release
* Update changelog to include v0.0.2 information
* Update README
* Remove Travis integration
* Run tests via GitHub actions
* Cleanup of vendored deps
* Fix linting warnings

Request History
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz's avatar

glaubitz created request

- Update to version 0.0.4:
* Add docs understandable by terraform registry
- from version 0.0.3:
* Add GitHub Actions handling release
* Update changelog to include v0.0.2 information
* Update README
* Remove Travis integration
* Run tests via GitHub actions
* Cleanup of vendored deps
* Fix linting warnings

Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller accepted request

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