Request 846965 accepted
- Fixed issue in SPEC file w/r/t package split with common.
Now, packages python3-rtslib-fb and python-rtslib-fb-common
are built, and the former depends on the latter. The common
package has the non-python parts (documentation, etc),
and the python3-* part the python parts.
- Created by lee_duncan
- In state accepted
- 5 package maintainers
Request History
lee_duncan created request
- Fixed issue in SPEC file w/r/t package split with common.
Now, packages python3-rtslib-fb and python-rtslib-fb-common
are built, and the former depends on the latter. The common
package has the non-python parts (documentation, etc),
and the python3-* part the python parts.
lee_duncan accepted request
Tested on Tumbleweed. Can be upgraded from currently rtslib-fb, and works correctly.