
Request 848229 accepted

- Add patches to support for slim format of timezone (bsc#1178346):
+ glib2-add-support-for-slim-timezone-format.patch: basic support
for slim format (glgo#GNOME/glib!1533).
+ glib2-fix-6-days-until-the-end-of-the-month.patch: fix DST
incorrect end day when using slim format


Yifan Jiang's avatar

looks good, thanks!

Cliff Zhao's avatar

Hi AZhou:

When I see "https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Packaging_Patches_guidelines" I found the bug number is usually written in lower case.

the example in section "Type 1: minimal single-line comment in spec file":

PATCH-FIX-SLE fix-for-sle-specific-things.patch bnc#123456

Your record:


Thank you so much!

Alynx Zhou's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

Fixed, thank you!

Request History
Alynx Zhou's avatar

AZhou created request

- Add patches to support for slim format of timezone (bsc#1178346):
+ glib2-add-support-for-slim-timezone-format.patch: basic support
for slim format (glgo#GNOME/glib!1533).
+ glib2-fix-6-days-until-the-end-of-the-month.patch: fix DST
incorrect end day when using slim format

Alynx Zhou's avatar

AZhou accepted request

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