
Request 850290 accepted

* Add _service file to: 1) Download tests dir from upstream git repository and 2) Recompress downloaded tests.tar into tests.tar.xz.
* Update %prep section to unpack tests tarball into main source dir.
* Add BuildRequires: python-importlib_resources for openSUSE <= 1500; needed for tests.
* Implement %check section where pytest runs the tests.

Request History
Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

badshah400 created request

* Add _service file to: 1) Download tests dir from upstream git repository and 2) Recompress downloaded tests.tar into tests.tar.xz.
* Update %prep section to unpack tests tarball into main source dir.
* Add BuildRequires: python-importlib_resources for openSUSE <= 1500; needed for tests.
* Implement %check section where pytest runs the tests.

Markéta Machová's avatar

mcalabkova accepted request


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