
Request 850784 superseded

- add 0001-sandbox-str.format_map.patch (bsc#1132323, CVE-2019-10906, bsc#1125815, CVE-2019-8341)
* "SandboxedEnvironment" securely handles "str.format_map" in order
to prevent code execution through untrusted format strings. The
sandbox already handled "str.format".
- add 0001-SECURITY-support-sandboxing-in-format-expressions.patch (bsc#1132174, CVE-2016-10745)

Request History
Johannes Grassler's avatar

jgrassler created request

- add 0001-sandbox-str.format_map.patch (bsc#1132323, CVE-2019-10906, bsc#1125815, CVE-2019-8341)
* "SandboxedEnvironment" securely handles "str.format_map" in order
to prevent code execution through untrusted format strings. The
sandbox already handled "str.format".
- add 0001-SECURITY-support-sandboxing-in-format-expressions.patch (bsc#1132174, CVE-2016-10745)

Jan Zerebecki's avatar

jzerebecki declined request

0001-sandbox-str.format_map.patch has a missing a comma on the line before the
3rd to last addition.

Johannes Grassler's avatar

jgrassler superseded request

superseded by 851364

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