Request 856662 accepted
- Update to 0.8
* Don't overwrite Pygments background in notebook code
cells. To get rid of those ugly greenish code blocks,
remove pygments_style = 'sphinx' from your conf.py.
* Switch documentation to insipid theme by default
* Require Python 3.6+
- The only test upstream does is to import the module and run
sphinx on their own docs. We can't do the latter because
we don't have all the requirements
- Provide the old jupyter package name only for the primary
Python3 interpreter -- gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
- Created by bnavigator
- In state accepted
- Supersedes 856081
Request History
bnavigator created request
- Update to 0.8
* Don't overwrite Pygments background in notebook code
cells. To get rid of those ugly greenish code blocks,
remove pygments_style = 'sphinx' from your conf.py.
* Switch documentation to insipid theme by default
* Require Python 3.6+
- The only test upstream does is to import the module and run
sphinx on their own docs. We can't do the latter because
we don't have all the requirements
- Provide the old jupyter package name only for the primary
Python3 interpreter -- gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
mcalabkova accepted request