
Request 860538 accepted

- Update to version 1.10.2:
* Fix various issues with Template CSS (#1663, #1742)
* Fix BytesIO/StringIO buffers as input to image xpanes (#1711)
* Fix out-of-bounds errors when assigning to GridSpec with
fixed ncols (#1721)
* Fix deserialization issues for Plotly.hover_data (#1722)
* Fixed updating of Alert parameters after initialization (#1725)
* Fix ordering of items added to Template areas (#1736)
* Fix interactivity for items in Card (#1750)
* Ensure onload callbacks are only run once (#1746)
* Allow overriding items in grid based templates (#1741)
* Ensure ECharts and ipywidget rerender when in Card (#1765)
* Ensure template dark theme persists on HoloViews plots (#1764)
* Fix responsive height in Plotly pane (#1770)
* Ensure image panes resize in width and height (#1777)
* Fix issues with Location.sync serialization (#1784)
* Add throttled argument to interact (#1259)
* ECharts pane now loads echarts-gl for 3D support (#1785)
* Ensure CheckBoxGroup and CheckButtonGroup support arbitrary
objects as options (#1793)
* Improved OAuth encryption key validation (#1762)
* Add progress option to .save method (#1776)
- Fix conflict with parallel installable python3 flavors because
of incorrect python_expand usage with docs
- Fix npm bundling errors during install
- Make multibuild test flavor in order to avoid dependency cycle
with python-holoviews
- The hidden .version file is actually necessary (e.g. holoviews
checks the version) -- add python-panel-rpmlintrc


Markéta Machová's avatar

why did you remove %fdupes call?

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

nothing moved to docdir. the fdupes for sitelib is still there.

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to version 1.10.2:
* Fix various issues with Template CSS (#1663, #1742)
* Fix BytesIO/StringIO buffers as input to image xpanes (#1711)
* Fix out-of-bounds errors when assigning to GridSpec with
fixed ncols (#1721)
* Fix deserialization issues for Plotly.hover_data (#1722)
* Fixed updating of Alert parameters after initialization (#1725)
* Fix ordering of items added to Template areas (#1736)
* Fix interactivity for items in Card (#1750)
* Ensure onload callbacks are only run once (#1746)
* Allow overriding items in grid based templates (#1741)
* Ensure ECharts and ipywidget rerender when in Card (#1765)
* Ensure template dark theme persists on HoloViews plots (#1764)
* Fix responsive height in Plotly pane (#1770)
* Ensure image panes resize in width and height (#1777)
* Fix issues with Location.sync serialization (#1784)
* Add throttled argument to interact (#1259)
* ECharts pane now loads echarts-gl for 3D support (#1785)
* Ensure CheckBoxGroup and CheckButtonGroup support arbitrary
objects as options (#1793)
* Improved OAuth encryption key validation (#1762)
* Add progress option to .save method (#1776)
- Fix conflict with parallel installable python3 flavors because
of incorrect python_expand usage with docs
- Fix npm bundling errors during install
- Make multibuild test flavor in order to avoid dependency cycle
with python-holoviews
- The hidden .version file is actually necessary (e.g. holoviews
checks the version) -- add python-panel-rpmlintrc

Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl accepted request

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