Request 868864 accepted
- Update to version 20200201
- Added icons
* ADLplug & OPNplug
* Aqualung
* Astah
* Audiosurf & Audiosurf 2
* Baobab #2506
* Beemy
* Big Finish Downloader
* Blanket #2513
* Blob Wars: Attrition
* Bloboats #2478
* Boiler
* Bomber (Flathub) #2007
* Bovo (Flathub) #2007
* Catfish
* Comgen
* Copy Paste Grab
* CudaText #2483
* Cyberpunk 2077 (Steam and Lutris)
* Dangerous Golf
* DDC/CI control #2465
* Dimmer
* Ding #2514
* Dino
* Dooble Web Browser #2516
* dotFonts
* Dragon Player
* DUSK #2475
* EndeavourOS distro logo #2485
* ExpanDrive
* FreeTennis #2479
* Friday Night Funkin (Lutris) #2507
* Friday Night Funkin #2507
* Gammastep (app and tray icons) #2468
* Gammy
* Garcon #2487
* Greenfish Icon Editor Pro
* Guitar (Git Client)
* Hypnotix
* icons DaVinci Resolve Studio
* icons Linux Lite Software #2496
* ImageJ #2521
* Implemented individual icons for the file managers:
* Dolphin (FlatHub)
* Nautilus
* Nemo
* Thunar
* Joplin (Flathub) #2007
* Keysmith
* KiCad (Flathub) #2007
* Kindd
* Kiwix #2480
* KMPlayer
* KonbuCase
* KTimeTracker
* Laborejo Software Suite:
* Agordejo
* Fluajho
* Laborejo
* Patroneo
* Vico
* LibreWolf Browser
* melonDS #2464
* Modelio
* Mousepad
* Mpdevil #2499
* NeoChat (KDE)
* Neverball (Flathub) #2007
* New Session Manager
* Jackpatch
* NSM-Legacy-GUI
* NSM-Proxy
* NoiseTorch
* Nostlan
* Notejot (Flathub) #2007
* OpenBlok
* OpenMW Content Editor #2413
* OPN2BankEditor & OPL3BankEditor
* osu!Lazer
* Parole
* PeaZip (Flathub) #2007
* Phototonic #2481
* Pixelitor (Flathub) #2007
* Play it Slowly #2493
* Popout3D
* Projecteur #2491
* QJournalctl
* Quilter (Flathub) #2007
* Reco
* Ristretto
* Rosegarden (Flathub) #2007
* ROM mimetypes #2505
* Atari 2600
* Atari 7800
* Atari Lynx
* Game Boy
* Game Boy Advance
* Game Boy Color
* Nintendo 3DS
* Nintendo 3DS Executable
* Nintendo DS
* Sega Pico
* SEGA Pico
* Wonderswan
* Wonderswan Color
* Send Anywhere (tray icons)
* Spectator #2007
* Substance (AppImage)
* Timekpr-nExT Control Panel (app & tray icons) #2498
* Tomato
* Torii SRS #2512
* Tuxcut #2473
* Unknown Horizons (Flathub) #2007
* Webapp Manager
* What IP #2471
* Wifi Hotspot #2489
* WxMaxima #2524
* Xfce Task Manager
* Xfce Terminal Settings
* Xfwm 4
* yadPush
* Yuzu (AppImage)
- Updated icons
* Android File Transfer
* Android SDK
* ANGRYsearch
* APK mimetype icons
* Applixware #2495
* Arduino
* Ark
* Audacity
* Boop-GTK #2530
* Cantor #2476
* Chess #2495
* Chromium
* Chromium Dev
* Civilization V
* Distributor Logo Linux Lite #2496
* EasyTAG
* Eric
* FileZilla
* Java mimetype icons
* Joplin #2520
* LabPlot #2472
* Mumble #2495
* Preferences System Search
* Python
* Qv2ray
* Ring
* SearchMonkey #2494
* Security High/Medium/Low icons
* Send Anywhere (app icon)
* Shell script mimetype icons
* Telegram (tray icons) #2477
* Terminal emulators (Terminal, Terminal SU, Tilix, Terminology)
* Type:Rider #2495
* VirtualBox disk image mimetype icons #2508
* VK Messenger (app & tray icons) #2503
* X Rebirth #2495
* Xfce4 Session
* Xfwm 4 Composite Editor
- Changes and fixes
* Added a few mimetype symlinks #2492
* Added missing audio-off symlinks to derivative themes
* Added missing mic-off symlink to Papirus/16x16/panel
* Fixed org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine_connect icons
* Fixed paper size in 32/64 mimetype icons #2508
* Remap application-octet-stream symlink to unknown mimetype
* Removed folder-pastel icons from derivative themes
* Removed mic-ready icons from ePapirus/*/actions
* Removed nicotine-tray-* icons from ePapirus
* Removed orphan folder-nordic-saved-search icon
* Removed orphan onboard icon from ePapirus/24x24/panel
* Restored text color in a few panel icons
Request History
kill_it created request
- Update to version 20200201
- Added icons
* ADLplug & OPNplug
* Aqualung
* Astah
* Audiosurf & Audiosurf 2
* Baobab #2506
* Beemy
* Big Finish Downloader
* Blanket #2513
* Blob Wars: Attrition
* Bloboats #2478
* Boiler
* Bomber (Flathub) #2007
* Bovo (Flathub) #2007
* Catfish
* Comgen
* Copy Paste Grab
* CudaText #2483
* Cyberpunk 2077 (Steam and Lutris)
* Dangerous Golf
* DDC/CI control #2465
* Dimmer
* Ding #2514
* Dino
* Dooble Web Browser #2516
* dotFonts
* Dragon Player
* DUSK #2475
* EndeavourOS distro logo #2485
* ExpanDrive
* FreeTennis #2479
* Friday Night Funkin (Lutris) #2507
* Friday Night Funkin #2507
* Gammastep (app and tray icons) #2468
* Gammy
* Garcon #2487
* Greenfish Icon Editor Pro
* Guitar (Git Client)
* Hypnotix
* icons DaVinci Resolve Studio
* icons Linux Lite Software #2496
* ImageJ #2521
* Implemented individual icons for the file managers:
* Dolphin (FlatHub)
* Nautilus
* Nemo
* Thunar
* Joplin (Flathub) #2007
* Keysmith
* KiCad (Flathub) #2007
* Kindd
* Kiwix #2480
* KMPlayer
* KonbuCase
* KTimeTracker
* Laborejo Software Suite:
* Agordejo
* Fluajho
* Laborejo
* Patroneo
* Vico
* LibreWolf Browser
* melonDS #2464
* Modelio
* Mousepad
* Mpdevil #2499
* NeoChat (KDE)
* Neverball (Flathub) #2007
* New Session Manager
* Jackpatch
* NSM-Legacy-GUI
* NSM-Proxy
* NoiseTorch
* Nostlan
* Notejot (Flathub) #2007
* OpenBlok
* OpenMW Content Editor #2413
* OPN2BankEditor & OPL3BankEditor
* osu!Lazer
* Parole
* PeaZip (Flathub) #2007
* Phototonic #2481
* Pixelitor (Flathub) #2007
* Play it Slowly #2493
* Popout3D
* Projecteur #2491
* QJournalctl
* Quilter (Flathub) #2007
* Reco
* Ristretto
* Rosegarden (Flathub) #2007
* ROM mimetypes #2505
* Atari 2600
* Atari 7800
* Atari Lynx
* Game Boy
* Game Boy Advance
* Game Boy Color
* Nintendo 3DS
* Nintendo 3DS Executable
* Nintendo DS
* Sega Pico
* SEGA Pico
* Wonderswan
* Wonderswan Color
* Send Anywhere (tray icons)
* Spectator #2007
* Substance (AppImage)
* Timekpr-nExT Control Panel (app & tray icons) #2498
* Tomato
* Torii SRS #2512
* Tuxcut #2473
* Unknown Horizons (Flathub) #2007
* Webapp Manager
* What IP #2471
* Wifi Hotspot #2489
* WxMaxima #2524
* Xfce Task Manager
* Xfce Terminal Settings
* Xfwm 4
* yadPush
* Yuzu (AppImage)
- Updated icons
* Android File Transfer
* Android SDK
* ANGRYsearch
* APK mimetype icons
* Applixware #2495
* Arduino
* Ark
* Audacity
* Boop-GTK #2530
* Cantor #2476
* Chess #2495
* Chromium
* Chromium Dev
* Civilization V
* Distributor Logo Linux Lite #2496
* EasyTAG
* Eric
* FileZilla
* Java mimetype icons
* Joplin #2520
* LabPlot #2472
* Mumble #2495
* Preferences System Search
* Python
* Qv2ray
* Ring
* SearchMonkey #2494
* Security High/Medium/Low icons
* Send Anywhere (app icon)
* Shell script mimetype icons
* Telegram (tray icons) #2477
* Terminal emulators (Terminal, Terminal SU, Tilix, Terminology)
* Type:Rider #2495
* VirtualBox disk image mimetype icons #2508
* VK Messenger (app & tray icons) #2503
* X Rebirth #2495
* Xfce4 Session
* Xfwm 4 Composite Editor
- Changes and fixes
* Added a few mimetype symlinks #2492
* Added missing audio-off symlinks to derivative themes
* Added missing mic-off symlink to Papirus/16x16/panel
* Fixed org.nicotine_plus.Nicotine_connect icons
* Fixed paper size in 32/64 mimetype icons #2508
* Remap application-octet-stream symlink to unknown mimetype
* Removed folder-pastel icons from derivative themes
* Removed mic-ready icons from ePapirus/*/actions
* Removed nicotine-tray-* icons from ePapirus
* Removed orphan folder-nordic-saved-search icon
* Removed orphan onboard icon from ePapirus/24x24/panel
* Restored text color in a few panel icons
kill_it accepted request