
Request 869570 accepted

- Fix python-rpm-macros singlespec glitches:
* The versions go inside python_module
* The obsoletion of the old python2 package did not work with
the python_subpackages rewrite

Markéta Machová's avatar

really all that BuildRequires: <runtime_dep> should be outside # SECTION test requirements? Are they needed for the build itself? I know moving them there does not change anything, I just want to have it neat.

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

My philosophy: If it is required for runtime, it should generally BuildRequire the package, so that a build does not start, if something is not available (unless it creates a dependency cycle and needs to test in _multibuild)

The test section is only for extra requirements like pytest.

But if you disagree here, I won't insist on my standpoint.

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Fix python-rpm-macros singlespec glitches:
* The versions go inside python_module
* The obsoletion of the old python2 package did not work with
the python_subpackages rewrite

Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl accepted request

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