
Request 871621 accepted

- Update to 3.0.3
* Fix loading of color, color palette and styles configuration
with PyYaml >= 5.2
- Change in 3.0.2
* Support pyyaml 5.2+
- Skip python36 build in TW because python36-scipy is no more
(NEP 29)

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to 3.0.3
* Fix loading of color, color palette and styles configuration
with PyYaml >= 5.2
- Change in 3.0.2
* Support pyyaml 5.2+
- Skip python36 build in TW because python36-scipy is no more
(NEP 29)

Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller accepted request

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