
Request 873797 accepted

- Update to 0.9.0
* Change urls to use jsDelivr (a fast CDN) with a fixed version
number, instead of GitHub. This fixes the URLs broken by the
vega-datasets 2.0 release.
- Skip python36: Pandas is no longer available for the TW python36
flavor (NEP 29, NumPy 1.20)

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to 0.9.0
* Change urls to use jsDelivr (a fast CDN) with a fixed version
number, instead of GitHub. This fixes the URLs broken by the
vega-datasets 2.0 release.
- Skip python36: Pandas is no longer available for the TW python36
flavor (NEP 29, NumPy 1.20)

Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl accepted request

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