
Request 876189 accepted

- updated to 2.070
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Socket-SSL/Changes
2.070 2021/02/26
- changed bugtracker in Makefile.PL to github, away from obsolete rt.cpan.org
2.069 2021/01/22
- IO::Socket::Utils CERT_asHash and CERT_create now support subject and issuer
with multiple same parts (like multiple OU). In this case an array ref instead
of a scalar is used as hash value.

Request History
Tina Müller's avatar

tinita created request

- updated to 2.070
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Socket-SSL/Changes
2.070 2021/02/26
- changed bugtracker in Makefile.PL to github, away from obsolete rt.cpan.org
2.069 2021/01/22
- IO::Socket::Utils CERT_asHash and CERT_create now support subject and issuer
with multiple same parts (like multiple OU). In this case an array ref instead
of a scalar is used as hash value.

Pedro Monreal Gonzalez's avatar

pmonrealgonzalez accepted request


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