Request 877439 superseded
- Created by pluskalm
- In state superseded
- Superseded by 881473
- Open review for licensedigger
- Open review for factory-staging
Request History
pluskalm created request
factory-auto declined review
Output of check script:
Source validator failed. Try "osc service runall source_validator"
(E) 15.0 mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(W) Attention, codelite-15.0.tar.gz is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
- package has codelite-rpmlintrc: (unchanged)
ERROR: download_files is configured to fail when the file was not committed... this is the case!
Source URLs are not valid. Try "osc service runall download_files".
factory-auto declined request
Output of check script:
Source validator failed. Try "osc service runall source_validator"
(E) 15.0 mentioned in spec file does not exist.
(W) Attention, codelite-15.0.tar.gz is not mentioned in spec files as source or patch.
- package has codelite-rpmlintrc: (unchanged)
ERROR: download_files is configured to fail when the file was not committed... this is the case!
Source URLs are not valid. Try "osc service runall download_files".
superseded by 881473