Request 878619 accepted
- Add #!ForceMultiversion to qemu.spec:
+ As the spec file defines different Version: fiels for various
subpackages, we must instruct OBS to not ever reset the
checkin-counter, as it would by defalut on a version increase.
Resetting the version counter results in sub-packages reusing
their VERSION-RELEASE from the past (e.g. qemu-ipxe is version
1.0.0+, and upon checkin of a new qemu version, RELEASE is
reset to 1.1, thus again producing
- Created by dimstar
- In state accepted
- 8 package maintainers
Request History
dimstar created request
- Add #!ForceMultiversion to qemu.spec:
+ As the spec file defines different Version: fiels for various
subpackages, we must instruct OBS to not ever reset the
checkin-counter, as it would by defalut on a version increase.
Resetting the version counter results in sub-packages reusing
their VERSION-RELEASE from the past (e.g. qemu-ipxe is version
1.0.0+, and upon checkin of a new qemu version, RELEASE is
reset to 1.1, thus again producing
bfrogers accepted request
Thanks for the contribution. Looks good to me.