
Request 880255 accepted

- update to 3.0.3
* Add maildirwatch helper tool.
* Fully install the maildirwatch tool, its man page, as well as the
maildirkw man page and tool, which should be packaged with maildrop
- update to 3.0.2
* No relevant changes for (open)SUSE build
- update source download URL

Request History
Arjen de Korte's avatar

adkorte created request

- update to 3.0.3
* Add maildirwatch helper tool.
* Fully install the maildirwatch tool, its man page, as well as the
maildirkw man page and tool, which should be packaged with maildrop
- update to 3.0.2
* No relevant changes for (open)SUSE build
- update source download URL

Boris Manojlovic's avatar

bmanojlovic accepted request


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