Request 884070 accepted
- Update to 2.1.4
Big changelog since 2.0.7:
Backwards incompatible changes in 2.1.0:
* Support for Python 3.6 and Numpy 1.15 has been dropped in line
with NEP 29. The minimum supported version of Astropy is now 4.
0, and the minimum version of scipy is now 1.2. (#4284)
* Changed sunpy.coordinates.sun.B0 return type from ~astropy.
coordinates.Angle to ~astropy.coordinates.Latitude. (#4323)
* An error is now raised if vmin or vmax are passed to to sunpy.
map.GenericMap.plot and they are already set on the map norm.
This is consistent with upcoming Matplotlib changes. (#4328)
* Previously slicing the result of Fido.search() (a ~sunpy.net.
fido_factory.UnifiedResponse object) so that it had a length
of one returned another ~sunpy.net.fido_factory.
UnifiedResponse object. Now it will return a ~sunpy.net.
base_client.QueryResponseTable object, which is a subclass of
astropy.table.Table. (#4358)
* The .size property of a coordinate frame with no associated
data will now raise an error instead of returning 0. (#4577)
* The following ~sunpy.map.Map methods have had support for
specific positional arguments removed. They must now be passed
as keyword arguments (i.e. m.method(keyword_arg=value)).
* ~sunpy.map.GenericMap.submap: width, height.
~sunpy.map.GenericMap.draw_rectangle: width, height, axes,
top_right. (#4616)
* The sunpy specific attributes .heliographic_observer and .rsun
are no longer set on the ~astropy.wcs.WCS returned by sunpy.
map.GenericMap.wcs. (#4620)
* Due to upstream changes, the parsing logic for the ~sunpy.net.
- Created by bnavigator
- In state accepted
Request History
bnavigator created request
- Update to 2.1.4
Big changelog since 2.0.7:
Backwards incompatible changes in 2.1.0:
* Support for Python 3.6 and Numpy 1.15 has been dropped in line
with NEP 29. The minimum supported version of Astropy is now 4.
0, and the minimum version of scipy is now 1.2. (#4284)
* Changed sunpy.coordinates.sun.B0 return type from ~astropy.
coordinates.Angle to ~astropy.coordinates.Latitude. (#4323)
* An error is now raised if vmin or vmax are passed to to sunpy.
map.GenericMap.plot and they are already set on the map norm.
This is consistent with upcoming Matplotlib changes. (#4328)
* Previously slicing the result of Fido.search() (a ~sunpy.net.
fido_factory.UnifiedResponse object) so that it had a length
of one returned another ~sunpy.net.fido_factory.
UnifiedResponse object. Now it will return a ~sunpy.net.
base_client.QueryResponseTable object, which is a subclass of
astropy.table.Table. (#4358)
* The .size property of a coordinate frame with no associated
data will now raise an error instead of returning 0. (#4577)
* The following ~sunpy.map.Map methods have had support for
specific positional arguments removed. They must now be passed
as keyword arguments (i.e. m.method(keyword_arg=value)).
* ~sunpy.map.GenericMap.submap: width, height.
~sunpy.map.GenericMap.draw_rectangle: width, height, axes,
top_right. (#4616)
* The sunpy specific attributes .heliographic_observer and .rsun
are no longer set on the ~astropy.wcs.WCS returned by sunpy.
map.GenericMap.wcs. (#4620)
* Due to upstream changes, the parsing logic for the ~sunpy.net.
mcalabkova accepted request