Request 891073 accepted
- For the record, these issues are fixed in this package already.
Most are alternate references to previously mentioned issues:
(CVE-2019-15890, bsc#1149813, CVE-2020-8608, bsc#1163019,
CVE-2020-14364, bsc#1175534, CVE-2020-25707, bsc#1178683,
CVE-2020-25723, bsc#1178935, CVE-2020-29130, bsc#1179477,
CVE-2020-29129, bsc#1179484, CVE-2021-3419, bsc#1182975)
- Created by bfrogers
- In state accepted
- 8 package maintainers
Request History
bfrogers created request
- For the record, these issues are fixed in this package already.
Most are alternate references to previously mentioned issues:
(CVE-2019-15890, bsc#1149813, CVE-2020-8608, bsc#1163019,
CVE-2020-14364, bsc#1175534, CVE-2020-25707, bsc#1178683,
CVE-2020-25723, bsc#1178935, CVE-2020-29130, bsc#1179477,
CVE-2020-29129, bsc#1179484, CVE-2021-3419, bsc#1182975)
bfrogers accepted request
Self ACK