
Request 897234 accepted

- Enable tests (adding some missing dependencies and disabling
test_async_proxy_close and test_sync_proxy_close since they
access the network)

- Update to 0.18.0
* The 0.18.x release series formalises our low-level Transport
API, introducing the base classes httpx.BaseTransport and
See the "Writing custom transports" documentation and the
httpx.BaseTransport.handle_request() docstring for more
complete details on implementing custom transports.
Pull request #1522 includes a checklist of differences from
the previous httpcore transport API, for developers
implementing custom transports.
The following API changes have been issuing deprecation
warnings since 0.17.0 onwards, and are now fully deprecated...
- You should now use httpx.codes consistently instead of
- Use limits=... instead of pool_limits=....
- Use proxies={"http://": ...} instead of proxies={"http": ...}
for scheme-specific mounting.
* Changed
- Transport instances now inherit from httpx.BaseTransport or
httpx.AsyncBaseTransport, and should implement either the
handle_request method or handle_async_request method.
(Pull #1522, #1550)
- The response.ext property and Response(ext=...) argument are
now named extensions. (Pull #1522)
- The recommendation to not use data= in favour of content=


Matej Cepl's avatar

Could you please do something about tests? File whatever is wrong upstream, exclude something, but we cannot have something which tends to be the basic part of HTTP infrastructure without any testing.

Antonio Larrosa's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

Sure, I didn't notice the %check section was commented out. I just checked they run fine with only some minor tweaks so I'll supersede this SR in a minute.

Request History
Antonio Larrosa's avatar

alarrosa created request

- Enable tests (adding some missing dependencies and disabling
test_async_proxy_close and test_sync_proxy_close since they
access the network)

- Update to 0.18.0
* The 0.18.x release series formalises our low-level Transport
API, introducing the base classes httpx.BaseTransport and
See the "Writing custom transports" documentation and the
httpx.BaseTransport.handle_request() docstring for more
complete details on implementing custom transports.
Pull request #1522 includes a checklist of differences from
the previous httpcore transport API, for developers
implementing custom transports.
The following API changes have been issuing deprecation
warnings since 0.17.0 onwards, and are now fully deprecated...
- You should now use httpx.codes consistently instead of
- Use limits=... instead of pool_limits=....
- Use proxies={"http://": ...} instead of proxies={"http": ...}
for scheme-specific mounting.
* Changed
- Transport instances now inherit from httpx.BaseTransport or
httpx.AsyncBaseTransport, and should implement either the
handle_request method or handle_async_request method.
(Pull #1522, #1550)
- The response.ext property and Response(ext=...) argument are
now named extensions. (Pull #1522)
- The recommendation to not use data= in favour of content=

Markéta Machová's avatar

mcalabkova accepted request


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