
Request 899585 superseded

KDE Frameworks 5.83.0


Luca Beltrame's avatar


-%files imports-lang -f %{name}-imports.lang
-%license LICENSES/*

Like this, languages go back to the main package? Wouldn't this potentially cause conflicts?


- grep -E '/baloomonitorplugin.mo$' %{name}.lang >> %{name}-imports.lang and the other similar line removed, is this a KUA-KUF sync issue, or the files are no longer there?

Aside for that, LGTM.

Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

The Messages.sh file for baloomonitor was removed in d4ffd2f5

For the other ones: there's no baloo_file5.mo in this release and also no baloo_file_extractor5.mo in this release nor in the last one

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

I just noticed that there's still the "Recommends: %{name}-imports-lang" though, maybe that should be removed then (although that's not really a problem).
Maybe it would be good to even add a Obsoletes somewhere?

Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

Indeed, all the -lang recommends shall be removed. That's not needed anymore.

baloo5-imports-lang 5.82.0 has an explicit requirement on baloo5-imports 5.82. the solver will propose to remove it

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

"The solver will propose to remove it"
That may need manual intervention though, especially on Leap where an older version is still available from the standard repos (on TW, a "zypper dup" will probably indeed just remove it when the old version is no longer in the repos)

OTOH, "zypper up" will probably ignore the update completely due to the conflict. Of course we can say we don't support that, but maybe we don't necessarily need to prevent it either.

Request History
Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

cgiboudeaux created request

KDE Frameworks 5.83.0

Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

cgiboudeaux superseded request

superseded by 899594

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