
Request 900628 accepted

Note: This commit merges the currently released state in SUSE OpenStack Cloud
with the partially clashing changes in

- Add %dir declaration for %{_licensedir}

- Add 0001-Always-generate-a-random-IV-for-AES-operations.patch
(CVE-2017-1000246, bsc#1068612)

- Add 0001-Fix-XML-Signature-Wrapping-XSW-vulnerabilities.patch
(CVE-2020-5390, bsc#1160851)

Request History
Johannes Grassler's avatar

jgrassler created request

Note: This commit merges the currently released state in SUSE OpenStack Cloud
with the partially clashing changes in

- Add %dir declaration for %{_licensedir}

- Add 0001-Always-generate-a-random-IV-for-AES-operations.patch
(CVE-2017-1000246, bsc#1068612)

- Add 0001-Fix-XML-Signature-Wrapping-XSW-vulnerabilities.patch
(CVE-2020-5390, bsc#1160851)

Gayane Osipyan's avatar

gosipyan accepted request

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