
Request 903236 superseded

- Fix build on openSUSE 15.3
- Allow to build on Fedora (not fully working yet)
- Build with gcc
* This fixes speed issues

Request History
Dominik Heidler's avatar

dheidler created request

- Fix build on openSUSE 15.3
- Allow to build on Fedora (not fully working yet)
- Build with gcc
* This fixes speed issues

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined review

Output of check script:
A patch (chromium-91-GCC_fix_vector_types_in_pcscan.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (electron-13-gcc-fix-v8-nodiscard.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (electron-13-blink-gcc-ambiguous-nodestructor.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (chromium-gcc11.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined request

Output of check script:
A patch (chromium-91-GCC_fix_vector_types_in_pcscan.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (electron-13-gcc-fix-v8-nodiscard.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (electron-13-blink-gcc-ambiguous-nodestructor.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (chromium-gcc11.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.

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