
Request 903953 accepted

- Update to version 2.20
* Taught sgp4init() to round both epochdays and jdsatepochF to
the same 8 decimal places used for the date fraction in a TLE,
if the user-supplied epoch itself has 8 or fewer digits behind
the decimal point. This should make it easier to build
satellites that round-trip to TLE format with perfect accuracy.
* Fixed how export_tle() formats the BSTAR field when its value,
if written in scientific notation, has a positive exponent.
* Fixed the epochyr assigned by sgp4init() so years before 2000
have two digits instead of three (for example, so that 1980
produces an epochyr of 80 instead of 980).
- Release 2.19
* Extended the documentation on the Python Package Index and in
the module docstring so it lists every Satrec attribute that
this library exposes; even the more obscure ones might be
useful to folks working to analyze satellite orbits.
- Release 2.18
* If a TLE satellite number lacks the required 5 digits,
twoline2rv() now gives the underlying C++ library a little
help so it can still parse the classification and
international designator correctly.
* The Satrec attributes jdsatepoch, jdsatepochF, epochyr, and
epochdays are now writeable, so users can adjust their values
manually — which should make up for the fact that the sgp4init
() method can’t set them with full floating point precision.
- Release 2.17
* Fixed where in the output array the sgp4_array() method writes
NaN values when an SGP4 propagation fails.

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to version 2.20
* Taught sgp4init() to round both epochdays and jdsatepochF to
the same 8 decimal places used for the date fraction in a TLE,
if the user-supplied epoch itself has 8 or fewer digits behind
the decimal point. This should make it easier to build
satellites that round-trip to TLE format with perfect accuracy.
* Fixed how export_tle() formats the BSTAR field when its value,
if written in scientific notation, has a positive exponent.
* Fixed the epochyr assigned by sgp4init() so years before 2000
have two digits instead of three (for example, so that 1980
produces an epochyr of 80 instead of 980).
- Release 2.19
* Extended the documentation on the Python Package Index and in
the module docstring so it lists every Satrec attribute that
this library exposes; even the more obscure ones might be
useful to folks working to analyze satellite orbits.
- Release 2.18
* If a TLE satellite number lacks the required 5 digits,
twoline2rv() now gives the underlying C++ library a little
help so it can still parse the classification and
international designator correctly.
* The Satrec attributes jdsatepoch, jdsatepochF, epochyr, and
epochdays are now writeable, so users can adjust their values
manually — which should make up for the fact that the sgp4init
() method can’t set them with full floating point precision.
- Release 2.17
* Fixed where in the output array the sgp4_array() method writes
NaN values when an SGP4 propagation fails.

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator accepted request

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