
Request 904576 accepted

- Update to version 8.1.0
* Do not override the global translation domain of the application
* Add support for skipping date extraction when a quote service
does not provide a valid date
* Fix bug not been able to rename local quote source
* Many other bugfixes
- Update dependencies to build with KF5
- Fixed location of knsrc files
- Add patch from upstream:
* 0001-Add-missing-QUrl-include-with-DBUILD_WITH_WEBENGINE.patch

Request History
Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker created request

- Update to version 8.1.0
* Do not override the global translation domain of the application
* Add support for skipping date extraction when a quote service
does not provide a valid date
* Fix bug not been able to rename local quote source
* Many other bugfixes
- Update dependencies to build with KF5
- Fixed location of knsrc files
- Add patch from upstream:
* 0001-Add-missing-QUrl-include-with-DBUILD_WITH_WEBENGINE.patch

Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker accepted request

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