
Request 905855 accepted

- Update to version 2.4.0.dev1
in 2.3.3:
* JupyterLab 3 dynamic extension loading
* Deprecate broken HSL objects
* Simplify rendering of Line and MultiLine glyphs
* Replace jinja2.Markup deprecated with Jinja 3.1
* Upgrade to Chrome 91 and fix failing examples' tests
* Fix data access layout SpatialIndex.bounds()
* Restore support for relative font size units
just in dev1:
* Unify {Figure,Toolbar}.active_* properties
* Update to isort 5.8
* Add support for polar coordinates


Request History
Markéta Machová's avatar

mcalabkova created request

- Update to version 2.4.0.dev1
in 2.3.3:
* JupyterLab 3 dynamic extension loading
* Deprecate broken HSL objects
* Simplify rendering of Line and MultiLine glyphs
* Replace jinja2.Markup deprecated with Jinja 3.1
* Upgrade to Chrome 91 and fix failing examples' tests
* Fix data access layout SpatialIndex.bounds()
* Restore support for relative font size units
just in dev1:
* Unify {Figure,Toolbar}.active_* properties
* Update to isort 5.8
* Add support for polar coordinates

Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl accepted request

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