
Request 90807 accepted

- update to Firefox 8 (bnc#728520)
* MFSA 2011-47/CVE-2011-3648 (bmo#690225)
Potential XSS against sites using Shift-JIS
* MFSA 2011-48/CVE-2011-3651/CVE-2011-3652/CVE-2011-3654
Miscellaneous memory safety hazards
* MFSA 2011-49/CVE-2011-3650 (bmo#674776)
Memory corruption while profiling using Firebug
* MFSA 2011-52/CVE-2011-3655 (bmo#672182)
Code execution via NoWaiverWrapper
- rebased patches

- enable telemetry prompt

- set intl.locale.matchOS=true in the base package as it causes
too much confusion when it's only available with branding-openSUSE

Request History
Wolfgang Rosenauer's avatar

wrosenauer created request

- update to Firefox 8 (bnc#728520)
* MFSA 2011-47/CVE-2011-3648 (bmo#690225)
Potential XSS against sites using Shift-JIS
* MFSA 2011-48/CVE-2011-3651/CVE-2011-3652/CVE-2011-3654
Miscellaneous memory safety hazards
* MFSA 2011-49/CVE-2011-3650 (bmo#674776)
Memory corruption while profiling using Firebug
* MFSA 2011-52/CVE-2011-3655 (bmo#672182)
Code execution via NoWaiverWrapper
- rebased patches

- enable telemetry prompt

- set intl.locale.matchOS=true in the base package as it causes
too much confusion when it's only available with branding-openSUSE

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo added a reviewer

Please review sources

Sascha Peilicke's avatar

saschpe approved review


Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted request

checkin for 12.2

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "preliminary, version number changed"}

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Output of check script (non-fatal):
- package has MozillaFirefox-rpmlintrc: (unchanged)
WARNING: macro used in version line
packager is responsible that the resulting string
is non-empty and contains no "-".
Version: %{mainver}

Sascha Peilicke's avatar

saschpe accepted review


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