
Request 911935 superseded

- Add fix-infinite-loop.patch: fix startup of QGIS. This will be
integrated upstream in 3.20.2.
- Enable PDAL (add qgis-fix-cmake-findpdal.patch)
- Update to 3.20.1 (monthly bugfix)
- Add patch to fix build with current Tumbleweed - boo#1188902
* qgis-fix-missing-qwt-inc.patch
* qgis-fix-missing-qwt-inc-part2.patch
- Update to 3.20.0. Check the ChangeLog file for the complete
list of changes.
- Switch to cmake() style BuildRequires for Qt dependencies.
- Add missing Qt build dependencies. Remove obsolete ones.
- Disable the QtWebKit usage. The package will be removed from
openSUSE Factory soon.
- Update to 3.18.3 (monthly bugfix)
- Update to 3.18.2 (monthly bugfix)
- Update to 3.18.1 (monthly bugfix)
- Update to 3.18.0:
* Changelog: https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/visualchangelog318/index.html
- Drop upstreamed patch:
* qgis-fix-return.patch
- Fix fastcgi include:
* fix-fastcgi-include.patch
- Update to 3.16.4
- Update spec file to ease future move from qgis to qgis-ltr
- Update to 3.16.3
- Drop upstream patch:
* qgis-pr37842-sip5.patch
- Add BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5WebKitWidgets) to explicitly
list the dependencies which fixes building in Leap 15.3
- remove lower sip-devel limit for Leaps.
- support SIP5 with qgis-pr37842-sip5.patch gh#qgis/QGIS#37842
- for ppc64le put back limit_build to avoid OOM failure and
unset memoryperjob that did not solve the OOM failure.
- update to 3.14.16, maintenance release, no release notes, full changelog
included in the package
- fixes build on Tumbleweed, boo#1176554
- Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro.
- use limit_build for ppc64le to avoid OOM failure on power8-01
- proj.db is required, so requires proj package
- Update to 3.14.0, changes are documented at
- Drop upstream patch:
* qgis-qt5.15.patch
- Requires at least gdal 3.1 for GeoTIFF and Proj >= 6
- Update to 3.12.3 (bugfix)
- Backport patch for qt 5.15:
* qgis-qt5.15.patch
- Update to 3.12.2 (monthly bugfix)
- Update to 3.12.1 (bugfix)
- Use gdal 3 for all openSUSE versions since Leap 15.1 also have
gdal 3 now
- Use gdal 3 where possible because of bugs with gdal 2
- Update to 3.12.0, changes are documented at
- Bump disk constraints to 18Gb
- Update to 3.10.2 (bugfix)
- Drop usptreamed patch:
* qgis-3.8.3-reproducible.patch
* a07d915d7bf9c7c54b2047f8819ba2aae6669f35.patch
* Fix-build-with-txt2tags-3.3.patch
- Fix build on Leap 15.1 (fix grass folder)
- Add upstream patch Fix-build-with-txt2tags-3.3.patch
- Autoconfigure grass directory
- Use GRASS 7.8.x
- Remove OTB build requirement
- Use %_lib
- drop obsolete patch fix_grass_qt511.patch
- Fix upstream issue 32764 preventing parallel build and remove the build time
- Added patches:
- Update to 3.10.0, changes are documented at
- Removed patches:
ef8f06330f57882f740cfe7f8f3659b54b1bb1fb.patch (merged upstream)
- Remove gpsbabel from build requirements: It's only recommended
at runtime. This fixes build on ppc64(le) for which gpsbabel is
not available.
- Remove obsolete filters in qgis.rpmlintrc.
- Add qgis-3.8.3-reproducible.patch: Sort desktop file content to
get a more reproducible build.
- Fix unowned directory issues.
- Stop disabling post-build-checks.
- Update to latest version 3.8.3 (monthly bugfix)
- Conflict with qgis-ltr and qgis-master rather than obsolete them.
- Make sample-data subpackage noarch.
- Make build with otr configurable
- De-duplicate sample-data
- Update to latest version 3.8.1 (monthly bugfix)
- Adapt GRASS_PREFIX7 to changes in grass.
- Remove unused clang dependency.
- Disable LTO for now because static library doesn't link.
- Ensure that descriptions are neutral and free of redundancies.
- Plugins do not need ldconfig, so remove those scriptlets.
- Update to 3.8.0
- add ef8f06330f57882f740cfe7f8f3659b54b1bb1fb.patch to build qith QT >5.13
- Update to bugfix 3.6.1 version
- Update URL to https
- Remove postgresql-server-devel build require, add
-DPOSTGRES_INCLUDE_DIR=%{_includedir}/pgsql to enable libpq
- Force proj6 usage (gdal 2.4.1 and grass 7.6.1 are proj6 ready)
+ Remove all proj5 dependencies
- Fix the build requirements for the Tumbleweed repo, pg_config
is now in postgresqlXX-server-devel (bsc#1131494)
- Force usage of proj5 as proj (version 6) is not supported yet
- Update to 3.6.0 version
- Cleanup of spec and history
- Added libexiv2-devel as new BuildRequires
- Fix python3-GDAL new name
- Update to 3.4.4
- Update to 3.4.3
- Update to 3.4.2
- Update to 3.4.1
- Enable openCL
- Update to 3.4.0
- Remove qgis.desktop source as it is provided by qgis sources now
- Fix version in qgis.desktop
- Update to version 3.2.3 (monthy bug fix release)
- Update to 3.2.2 (monthly bug fix release)
- Packaging
+ Add the 3 main database component to buildrequires and requires
So future version can open auth db and others without cryptic
debuging by end user. sqlite3, mysql, postgresql
+ Add new BuildRequires libQt5Sql-private-headers-devel
- Add missing qwt6-devel build dep
- Update to 3.2.1 (monthly bug fix release)
- Update to 3.2.0 release
- Packaging:
+ Remove merged upstream patch fix_3d_qt511.patch
+ Fix %file list
+ Reactivate sed env interpreter line
+ spec-cleaner minimal (date, licence)
- Added patch fix_grass_qt511.patch fix_3d_qt511.patch
to fix build with QT5 > 5.11
- Update to 3.0.3
- Fixed name and version in desktop-file
- Update to 3.0.1
- There's no point to recommend libqca2-plugin-*, those are for the
Qt4 version of QCA and cannot be used by qca-qt5
- Don't disable QtWebKit anymore, the Qt5 version is available and
- No need to BuildIgnore libopenssl-1_0_0-devel any more
- Add _constraints to get a worker able to build qgis
- Update to 3.0.0
- Update to 2.18.16
- Build without QtWebKit on Tumbleweed and SLE/Leap 15,
libQtWebKit4 is about to be dropped soon
- Don't reference the removed Qt3-based qca
- Use cmake macros
- Cleanup with spec-cleaner
- Update to 2.18.15
- Update to 2.8.14 (Qgis 2.8 will become the new ltr soon)
- Remove obsolete BuildRequires qca-devel (qca 1.x has been removed
in Tumbleweed)
We've been already using libqca2-devel
Fix boo@1065257
- Update to 2.18.13
- Update to 2.18.12
- Update to 2.18.11
- Fix error package name python-Pygments and python-Jinja2
- Update to 2.18.10
- Packaging
+ Add python2-Pygments and python2-Jinja2 need by MetaSearch
Catalogue Client plugin
- Packaging
+ Remove non existent requires only python-qscintilla is needed,
the qt4 and qt5 variant will requires the right -sip subpackage
+ Move python-qt4-devel to -devel package
- Update to 2.18.9
- Update to 2.18.7
- Update to 2.18.6
- Packaging:
+ remove merged upstream-85a0db2-additionnal-fix-sip.patch
+ Add full source url + md5
- Packaging:
+ Add upstream-85a0db2-additionnal-fix-sip.patch for sip 4.19.1
exclusively applied for TW
- Update to 2.18.4
- Update to 2.18.3
- Packaging :
+ added upstream-2c43568-qt_bug.patch to fix build errors on Leap
- Fix build for non-x86 64-bit arch (aarch64 ppc64 ppc64le)
- Update to 2.18.2
- Update to 2.18.1
- Update to 2.18.0
- Update to 2.16.3
- Update to 2.16.2
- Update to 2.16.1
- Update to 2.16.0
- Update to 2.14.3
- Update to 2.14.2
- Update to 2.14.1
- Fix Desktop shortcut to 2.14.0 "Essen"
- Update to 2.14.0
- Update to 2.12.3
- Update to 2.12.2
- Update to libspatialindex4
- Update to 2.12.1
- New QGIS release 2.12.0
- back to using grass package
- New QGIS release 2.10.1
- New QGIS release 2.10.0
- obsolete qgis2-plugin-grass
- update to build with grass7 support instead of grass 6
- change cmake parameters to build with qgis server again
- change dependency order
- small update desktop file
- Minor QGIS release 2.8.2
- Minor QGIS release 2.8.1
- New QGIS release 2.8.0
- Do not obsolete grass7 unless grass-plugin is used
- Removed requirements (OBS resolves requirements automatically)
- New QGIS release 2.6.1
- obsolet grass7 - use grass stable package instead
- added python-wxWidgets as dependency
- added libqscintilla dependencies
- New QGIS release 2.6
- New QGIS release 2.4
- New QGIS release 2.2
- fix spatialite support for python plugin
- add sample data as separate package
- more spec cleanup
- add missing private declarations for python sip bindings
- fix qgis.spec file: add missing %dirs, cleanup
- Added python-psycopg2 as requirement
- clean up
- added python-qscintilla as requirement
- added python-matplotlib as requirement
- update to version 2.0.1, because of swisstopo acknowledgement for
the splash screen and small bug fixes
- start building qgis packages for version 2.x


Jan Engelhardt's avatar

"+# PDAL-devel depends on this (laszip_api.h)"

Well then why do you need it here? (hint: pdal-devel does not require it even though it should)

Request History
Dirk Stoecker's avatar

dstoecker created request

- Add fix-infinite-loop.patch: fix startup of QGIS. This will be
integrated upstream in 3.20.2.
- Enable PDAL (add qgis-fix-cmake-findpdal.patch)
- Update to 3.20.1 (monthly bugfix)
- Add patch to fix build with current Tumbleweed - boo#1188902
* qgis-fix-missing-qwt-inc.patch
* qgis-fix-missing-qwt-inc-part2.patch
- Update to 3.20.0. Check the ChangeLog file for the complete
list of changes.
- Switch to cmake() style BuildRequires for Qt dependencies.
- Add missing Qt build dependencies. Remove obsolete ones.
- Disable the QtWebKit usage. The package will be removed from
openSUSE Factory soon.
- Update to 3.18.3 (monthly bugfix)
- Update to 3.18.2 (monthly bugfix)
- Update to 3.18.1 (monthly bugfix)
- Update to 3.18.0:
* Changelog: https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/visualchangelog318/index.html
- Drop upstreamed patch:
* qgis-fix-return.patch
- Fix fastcgi include:
* fix-fastcgi-include.patch
- Update to 3.16.4
- Update spec file to ease future move from qgis to qgis-ltr
- Update to 3.16.3
- Drop upstream patch:
* qgis-pr37842-sip5.patch
- Add BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5WebKitWidgets) to explicitly
list the dependencies which fixes building in Leap 15.3
- remove lower sip-devel limit for Leaps.
- support SIP5 with qgis-pr37842-sip5.patch gh#qgis/QGIS#37842
- for ppc64le put back limit_build to avoid OOM failure and
unset memoryperjob that did not solve the OOM failure.
- update to 3.14.16, maintenance release, no release notes, full changelog
included in the package
- fixes build on Tumbleweed, boo#1176554
- Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro.
- use limit_build for ppc64le to avoid OOM failure on power8-01
- proj.db is required, so requires proj package
- Update to 3.14.0, changes are documented at
- Drop upstream patch:
* qgis-qt5.15.patch
- Requires at least gdal 3.1 for GeoTIFF and Proj >= 6
- Update to 3.12.3 (bugfix)
- Backport patch for qt 5.15:
* qgis-qt5.15.patch
- Update to 3.12.2 (monthly bugfix)
- Update to 3.12.1 (bugfix)
- Use gdal 3 for all openSUSE versions since Leap 15.1 also have
gdal 3 now
- Use gdal 3 where possible because of bugs with gdal 2
- Update to 3.12.0, changes are documented at
- Bump disk constraints to 18Gb
- Update to 3.10.2 (bugfix)
- Drop usptreamed patch:
* qgis-3.8.3-reproducible.patch
* a07d915d7bf9c7c54b2047f8819ba2aae6669f35.patch
* Fix-build-with-txt2tags-3.3.patch
- Fix build on Leap 15.1 (fix grass folder)
- Add upstream patch Fix-build-with-txt2tags-3.3.patch
- Autoconfigure grass directory
- Use GRASS 7.8.x
- Remove OTB build requirement
- Use %_lib
- drop obsolete patch fix_grass_qt511.patch
- Fix upstream issue 32764 preventing parallel build and remove the build time
- Added patches:
- Update to 3.10.0, changes are documented at
- Removed patches:
ef8f06330f57882f740cfe7f8f3659b54b1bb1fb.patch (merged upstream)
- Remove gpsbabel from build requirements: It's only recommended
at runtime. This fixes build on ppc64(le) for which gpsbabel is
not available.
- Remove obsolete filters in qgis.rpmlintrc.
- Add qgis-3.8.3-reproducible.patch: Sort desktop file content to
get a more reproducible build.
- Fix unowned directory issues.
- Stop disabling post-build-checks.
- Update to latest version 3.8.3 (monthly bugfix)
- Conflict with qgis-ltr and qgis-master rather than obsolete them.
- Make sample-data subpackage noarch.
- Make build with otr configurable
- De-duplicate sample-data
- Update to latest version 3.8.1 (monthly bugfix)
- Adapt GRASS_PREFIX7 to changes in grass.
- Remove unused clang dependency.
- Disable LTO for now because static library doesn't link.
- Ensure that descriptions are neutral and free of redundancies.
- Plugins do not need ldconfig, so remove those scriptlets.
- Update to 3.8.0
- add ef8f06330f57882f740cfe7f8f3659b54b1bb1fb.patch to build qith QT >5.13
- Update to bugfix 3.6.1 version
- Update URL to https
- Remove postgresql-server-devel build require, add
-DPOSTGRES_INCLUDE_DIR=%{_includedir}/pgsql to enable libpq
- Force proj6 usage (gdal 2.4.1 and grass 7.6.1 are proj6 ready)
+ Remove all proj5 dependencies
- Fix the build requirements for the Tumbleweed repo, pg_config
is now in postgresqlXX-server-devel (bsc#1131494)
- Force usage of proj5 as proj (version 6) is not supported yet
- Update to 3.6.0 version
- Cleanup of spec and history
- Added libexiv2-devel as new BuildRequires
- Fix python3-GDAL new name
- Update to 3.4.4
- Update to 3.4.3
- Update to 3.4.2
- Update to 3.4.1
- Enable openCL
- Update to 3.4.0
- Remove qgis.desktop source as it is provided by qgis sources now
- Fix version in qgis.desktop
- Update to version 3.2.3 (monthy bug fix release)
- Update to 3.2.2 (monthly bug fix release)
- Packaging
+ Add the 3 main database component to buildrequires and requires
So future version can open auth db and others without cryptic
debuging by end user. sqlite3, mysql, postgresql
+ Add new BuildRequires libQt5Sql-private-headers-devel
- Add missing qwt6-devel build dep
- Update to 3.2.1 (monthly bug fix release)
- Update to 3.2.0 release
- Packaging:
+ Remove merged upstream patch fix_3d_qt511.patch
+ Fix %file list
+ Reactivate sed env interpreter line
+ spec-cleaner minimal (date, licence)
- Added patch fix_grass_qt511.patch fix_3d_qt511.patch
to fix build with QT5 > 5.11
- Update to 3.0.3
- Fixed name and version in desktop-file
- Update to 3.0.1
- There's no point to recommend libqca2-plugin-*, those are for the
Qt4 version of QCA and cannot be used by qca-qt5
- Don't disable QtWebKit anymore, the Qt5 version is available and
- No need to BuildIgnore libopenssl-1_0_0-devel any more
- Add _constraints to get a worker able to build qgis
- Update to 3.0.0
- Update to 2.18.16
- Build without QtWebKit on Tumbleweed and SLE/Leap 15,
libQtWebKit4 is about to be dropped soon
- Don't reference the removed Qt3-based qca
- Use cmake macros
- Cleanup with spec-cleaner
- Update to 2.18.15
- Update to 2.8.14 (Qgis 2.8 will become the new ltr soon)
- Remove obsolete BuildRequires qca-devel (qca 1.x has been removed
in Tumbleweed)
We've been already using libqca2-devel
Fix boo@1065257
- Update to 2.18.13
- Update to 2.18.12
- Update to 2.18.11
- Fix error package name python-Pygments and python-Jinja2
- Update to 2.18.10
- Packaging
+ Add python2-Pygments and python2-Jinja2 need by MetaSearch
Catalogue Client plugin
- Packaging
+ Remove non existent requires only python-qscintilla is needed,
the qt4 and qt5 variant will requires the right -sip subpackage
+ Move python-qt4-devel to -devel package
- Update to 2.18.9
- Update to 2.18.7
- Update to 2.18.6
- Packaging:
+ remove merged upstream-85a0db2-additionnal-fix-sip.patch
+ Add full source url + md5
- Packaging:
+ Add upstream-85a0db2-additionnal-fix-sip.patch for sip 4.19.1
exclusively applied for TW
- Update to 2.18.4
- Update to 2.18.3
- Packaging :
+ added upstream-2c43568-qt_bug.patch to fix build errors on Leap
- Fix build for non-x86 64-bit arch (aarch64 ppc64 ppc64le)
- Update to 2.18.2
- Update to 2.18.1
- Update to 2.18.0
- Update to 2.16.3
- Update to 2.16.2
- Update to 2.16.1
- Update to 2.16.0
- Update to 2.14.3
- Update to 2.14.2
- Update to 2.14.1
- Fix Desktop shortcut to 2.14.0 "Essen"
- Update to 2.14.0
- Update to 2.12.3
- Update to 2.12.2
- Update to libspatialindex4
- Update to 2.12.1
- New QGIS release 2.12.0
- back to using grass package
- New QGIS release 2.10.1
- New QGIS release 2.10.0
- obsolete qgis2-plugin-grass
- update to build with grass7 support instead of grass 6
- change cmake parameters to build with qgis server again
- change dependency order
- small update desktop file
- Minor QGIS release 2.8.2
- Minor QGIS release 2.8.1
- New QGIS release 2.8.0
- Do not obsolete grass7 unless grass-plugin is used
- Removed requirements (OBS resolves requirements automatically)
- New QGIS release 2.6.1
- obsolet grass7 - use grass stable package instead
- added python-wxWidgets as dependency
- added libqscintilla dependencies
- New QGIS release 2.6
- New QGIS release 2.4
- New QGIS release 2.2
- fix spatialite support for python plugin
- add sample data as separate package
- more spec cleanup
- add missing private declarations for python sip bindings
- fix qgis.spec file: add missing %dirs, cleanup
- Added python-psycopg2 as requirement
- clean up
- added python-qscintilla as requirement
- added python-matplotlib as requirement
- update to version 2.0.1, because of swisstopo acknowledgement for
the splash screen and small bug fixes
- start building qgis packages for version 2.x

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

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