
Request 913291 accepted

- Update to version 4.2
* Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall
performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
* The following changes have been made to the dithered lighting
cast when the r_ditheredlighting CVAR is on:
+ The dithered lighting cast on textures is now more consistent
regardless of the player’s viewing angle.
+ Dithered lighting is now also cast on sprites.
+ Dithered lighting is now cast when the r_detail CVAR is low.
+ Dithered lighting is now cast on BOOM-compatible translucent
wall textures if the r_translucency CVAR is off.
* The text in the console has been brought in from the left and
right edges of the screen when the vid_widescreen CVAR is on.
* Minor changes have been made to the character set used in the
* Several changes have been made to text that is output to the
* Minor improvements have been made to the console’s autocomplete
* The following changes have been made to the support for REKKR:
+ rekkrsa.wad is now treated as an IWAD (that is, DOOM.WAD will
no longer be automatically loaded with it).
+ The correct monster and weapon names are now used in
obituaries in the console when the con_obituaries CVAR is on.
+ Sorrows and skelly bellies will now only bleed red blood.
+ Gamepads will no longer vibrate when the axe is equipped and
idle, and the gp_vibrate_weapons CVAR is on.
* A bug has been fixed whereby any palette effects wouldn’t be
restored when unpausing a game by pressing the ESC key rather
than PAUSE key.

Request History
Martin Hauke's avatar

mnhauke created request

- Update to version 4.2
* Optimizations have been made to further improve the overall
performance and stability of DOOM Retro.
* The following changes have been made to the dithered lighting
cast when the r_ditheredlighting CVAR is on:
+ The dithered lighting cast on textures is now more consistent
regardless of the player’s viewing angle.
+ Dithered lighting is now also cast on sprites.
+ Dithered lighting is now cast when the r_detail CVAR is low.
+ Dithered lighting is now cast on BOOM-compatible translucent
wall textures if the r_translucency CVAR is off.
* The text in the console has been brought in from the left and
right edges of the screen when the vid_widescreen CVAR is on.
* Minor changes have been made to the character set used in the
* Several changes have been made to text that is output to the
* Minor improvements have been made to the console’s autocomplete
* The following changes have been made to the support for REKKR:
+ rekkrsa.wad is now treated as an IWAD (that is, DOOM.WAD will
no longer be automatically loaded with it).
+ The correct monster and weapon names are now used in
obituaries in the console when the con_obituaries CVAR is on.
+ Sorrows and skelly bellies will now only bleed red blood.
+ Gamepads will no longer vibrate when the axe is equipped and
idle, and the gp_vibrate_weapons CVAR is on.
* A bug has been fixed whereby any palette effects wouldn’t be
restored when unpausing a game by pressing the ESC key rather
than PAUSE key.

Dirk Stoecker's avatar

dstoecker accepted request

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