
Request 915453 accepted

- Update to version 5.3.0
* Added legend.groupclick options
* Provide bbox of hover items in event data
- Release 5.0.0
* Updated/Changed:
Items in this section may be considered backwards-incompatible
changes for the purposes of Semantic Versioning but we expect
the vast majority of users to be able to upgrade to version
5.0 without encountering any issues.
* Dropped support for Python older than 3.6 #3160
* Updated Plotly.js to from version 1.58.4 to version 2.1.0. See
the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. These changes
are reflected in the auto-generated plotly.graph_objects
module. Notable changes include:
* dropped support for IE9 and IE10
* dropped support for long-deprecated graph_objects like area
traces and scatter.(t|r) and layout.(radial|angular)axis
* modebar no longer has hovermode or spikeline buttons by
default (can be added back with fig.update_layout(modebar_add=
["v1hovermode", "toggleSpikeLines"]))
* "Aa" text no longer appears on legend items unless mode="text"
* In bar traces, textposition now defaults to "auto"
* Font size for legend and colorbar titles now matches axis
title font size (slightly bigger)
* deprecated heatmapgl, pointcloud traces as well as all
transform attributes
* Combined plotlywidget into jupyterlab-plotly and packaged them
as a federated extension #3142 with massive thanks to
@fcollonval for the contribution
* In addition to this change, large Plotly.js bundles are now
lazily loaded on-demand by JupyterLab
* Plotly.js CDN url will now be versioned by default for HTML
exports using include_plotlyjs='cdn' and for "connected"
renderers. #2961 with thanks to @adehad for the contribution
* Recommending Kaleido by default over Orca #3094
* Replaced retrying dependency with tenacity #2911 with thanks
to @jmsmdy for the contribution
* Plotly Express now always takes into account every value in c
category_orders when computing discrete mappings (color,
symbol, line-dash, pattern-shapes) as well as facets, even
those values which are absent in the data #3247
- Fix rpmlint errors: touch __init__.py mtime before deduplicating
the compile cache files
- Enable tests:
* core test suite for all flavores
* optional requirements test suite for all except python36 flavor
-- many optional requirements are not available

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to version 5.3.0
* Added legend.groupclick options
* Provide bbox of hover items in event data
- Release 5.0.0
* Updated/Changed:
Items in this section may be considered backwards-incompatible
changes for the purposes of Semantic Versioning but we expect
the vast majority of users to be able to upgrade to version
5.0 without encountering any issues.
* Dropped support for Python older than 3.6 #3160
* Updated Plotly.js to from version 1.58.4 to version 2.1.0. See
the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information. These changes
are reflected in the auto-generated plotly.graph_objects
module. Notable changes include:
* dropped support for IE9 and IE10
* dropped support for long-deprecated graph_objects like area
traces and scatter.(t|r) and layout.(radial|angular)axis
* modebar no longer has hovermode or spikeline buttons by
default (can be added back with fig.update_layout(modebar_add=
["v1hovermode", "toggleSpikeLines"]))
* "Aa" text no longer appears on legend items unless mode="text"
* In bar traces, textposition now defaults to "auto"
* Font size for legend and colorbar titles now matches axis
title font size (slightly bigger)
* deprecated heatmapgl, pointcloud traces as well as all
transform attributes
* Combined plotlywidget into jupyterlab-plotly and packaged them
as a federated extension #3142 with massive thanks to
@fcollonval for the contribution
* In addition to this change, large Plotly.js bundles are now
lazily loaded on-demand by JupyterLab
* Plotly.js CDN url will now be versioned by default for HTML
exports using include_plotlyjs='cdn' and for "connected"
renderers. #2961 with thanks to @adehad for the contribution
* Recommending Kaleido by default over Orca #3094
* Replaced retrying dependency with tenacity #2911 with thanks
to @jmsmdy for the contribution
* Plotly Express now always takes into account every value in c
category_orders when computing discrete mappings (color,
symbol, line-dash, pattern-shapes) as well as facets, even
those values which are absent in the data #3247
- Fix rpmlint errors: touch __init__.py mtime before deduplicating
the compile cache files
- Enable tests:
* core test suite for all flavores
* optional requirements test suite for all except python36 flavor
-- many optional requirements are not available

Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl accepted request

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